Tue 23 Dec 2014 11:57PM

Talk by Vital Health Guru Cath King

JI Jo Irvin Public Seen by 11

I was contacted by the NZ Vege Society to ask if we'd be interested in Vegan Nutritionist Cath King coming up from Christchurch to do a free talk some time at the end of January. I emailed Cath and said we normally meet up for our pure plant pot luck dinners on Wednesday evenings, and she has suggested Wednesday 21st January. I want to get a feel for how many people can make it on this date.

Presentations she is offering are:

Healthy Directions - 2 hours. in this presentation you discover which direction society's health is headed in, explore a different direction for your own health, find out what else is possible for your health, explore the myths of the sickness industry, learn how to take control of your own best health

Protein Demystified - 1 hour. in this presentation we go in-depth with protein and learn the truth about the role it plays in our bodies, how much we need, the difference between animal protein and plant protein, the best places to get protein and the health implications of too much protein.

Why Vege Diets Don't Work - 1 hour. in this presentation I discuss the most common reasons people struggle to be healthy on plant based diets and what to do about it.

I thought perhaps the last one on how to be healthy on a plant based diet would be best. or the talk on protein... Please let me know who would be interested and if the 21st January is going to suit. Mum or I would be happy to host the evening. It would be great to get as many people as possible to make it worth Cath's trip up.



Judy woledge Wed 24 Dec 2014 12:59AM

Yes I think the last one as well



Nola Higgins Wed 24 Dec 2014 8:16AM

the last one for me to Jo, looking forward to it....


Gay & Paul Rutherford Wed 24 Dec 2014 6:05PM

Yes for the last one and if she was doing more I'd probably go. I couldn't get to the dinners last year but hope to get to more from now on. And thanks for all the receipes. Gay Rutherford


Deleted account Thu 25 Dec 2014 11:49PM

I doubt I can make it but the last one is the one that would interest me.


Jo Irvin Sun 11 Jan 2015 9:32PM

I have finally heard back from Cath, she's been away camping. Unfortunately, her plans for January have changed and she won't be in Blenheim this month. She had planned to travel up to see her son, who will be stationed with the Air Force in Woodbourne, but his plans have now changed and he is going to be in Christchurch at the end of January. She will let us know if she has any trips planned up our way in the future.


Deleted account Thu 15 Jan 2015 3:25AM

Nice try Jo.


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