Fri 28 Jul 2017 3:06AM

Anti-Spy Bill

SD Suzie Dawson Public Seen by 107

Enough of Spy Bills - it's past time for the pendulum to swing back the other way.

So far the spies have a carte blanche to commit crime and get away with it. Therefore we propose to create a policy restricting them from participating in certain acts and applying criminal penalties if they violate it.

  1. "Spycops" - police and security agents who infiltrate political and activist movements using false or assumed identities - should be prohibited from engaging in sexual relationships with targets, activists, and others they encounter during the course of their work. Known cases include spycops in their 30s and 40s seducing activists as young as 16; covertly taking and circulating nude photographs of sleeping teenage activists; living/co-habitating with activists and multiple instances of fathering children with activists, all while pretending to be people that did not in actuality exist. (Web search "spycops" for international references, or "Thompson Clark Investigations Limited" for New Zealand-specific cases) The penalty for engaging in sexual relations that arise from acts of deliberate deception should be tantamount to criminal rape, as consent would most likely not be granted by their sexual partners, were they aware that it was an agent of the state that is targeting and sexually propositioning them.

  2. Targeting on political grounds is prohibited under international law, it was prohibited in the original charters of the spy agencies, yet multiple police agencies openly state that they are tasked with infiltrating political movements on their Wikipedia pages and elsewhere. This is unacceptable. There must be steep consequences for using police powers for political reasons.

  3. Entrapment is also supposed to be illegal but is a practice that is rife in both the police and private agencies. It is used to create pretexts with which to justify political targeting. ie. if they infiltrate an activism/political group and can 'prove' that they are engaged in some kind of criminal activity then it makes it look like it was OK to target that group in the first place. Where the criminal activity doesn't exist (which is almost always), there are attempts to incite criminal activity (entrapment). These attempts can include resourcing, instigating, facilitating and coordinating the illegal activity. (An example of this would be where a NZ spycop not only set up an illegal animal welfare action and implored other activists to attend but even invited media along to document the whole thing as it happened). This is completely in line with practices of the FBI and others who have long track records of jailing political targets by entrapping them into criminal acts. It is completely immoral and entrapment should be illegal across the board.

  4. There are also numerous instances of journalists and activists having been referred to child services or mental health services by their political opposition. (Dirty Politics by Nicky Hager documents some examples of this but there are countless others). Therefore where child services or mental health services become engaged with someone who is politically engaged in activism, journalism or a related sphere, there must be a TRULY independent body appointed to review these cases and ensure that the referrals are not as a result of political interference and that any treatment or intervention received is both valid and in line with best practices/standard treatments for non-political cases

  5. All police and private agencies should be restricted from inflicting bodily harm or physical interference upon the bodies of any person at any time except in the instance of legitimate self-defence.

  6. There needs to be an outright ban on experimental weapons testing on human beings. Such as was raised by the disclosure that electronic weapons do exist and are "operationally feasible". No weapons that are not approved for public use and known https://decipheryou.com/2015/06/24/hacking-team-directed-energy-weapons-now-operationally-feasible/

  7. Information warfare upon the NZ public must stop. It must be illegal for corporate or political interests to pay agents to assume false identities posing as members of the public and post online content in the favour of their employers. Any such propaganda must be clearly labelled as being paid advertising. Likewise, lobbyists who appear in media as 'experts' or 'opinion writers' must disclose in each program, show or article, who they are being paid by.

Thoughts? :)


Colin England Fri 4 Aug 2017 11:13PM

I think we need more information as to why the data is being collected and who has access to it first.

I don't see collecting the data to be a particular problem so long as it's put to good use and access to it is restricted to people who need to know such as health and police (Of course, police only need to know if there's been a crime committed that involves the child).


Suzie Dawson Sat 5 Aug 2017 10:19AM

this is part of a trend

the people who make $$$ off the spying are pushing for surveillance cameras to be in every classroom of every school

which as per the states then leads to actual police and security guards being present, and even children being arrested... completely ridiculous


Colin England Sat 5 Aug 2017 10:06PM

Data is needed to make informed decisions. It's a question of what data is collected and who gets to see it for what purpose. Get the rules right and concerns should be minimised.


Poll Created Sun 6 Aug 2017 6:49AM

#AntiSpyBill - SpyCops Closed Sun 6 Aug 2017 11:02AM

"Spycops" are police and security agents who infiltrate political and activist movements using false or assumed identities. "Spycops" must be prohibited from engaging in sexual relationships whatsoever with those they encounter during the course of their work. The penalty for engaging in sexual relations that arise from acts of deliberate deception are tantamount to criminal rape and responsible members of an agency that were complicit in the targeting of manipulative sexual relations must also be held legally responsible.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 CS EW BL BK
Abstain 20.0% 1 JG
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

5 of 631 people have participated (0%)


John Grant
Sun 6 Aug 2017 10:58AM

Don't understand the issue or solution


Kitty Hundal Sun 6 Aug 2017 10:57AM

Note that these abuses don't just apply to activists but to their families and friends as well. Targeting isn't restricted to the activists alone as those who saw the discussion tonight showed. So legislation should acknowledge that fact and cover them as well.


Bruce King Sun 6 Aug 2017 11:03AM

"5. All police and private agencies should be restricted from inflicting bodily harm or physical interference upon the bodies of any person at any time except in the instance of legitimate self-defence."
Q. How does this apply when police are arresting someone?


Colin Smith Sun 6 Aug 2017 11:36AM

We have started a discussion on this already in our member pages. The use of "Body Cameras" is one of the ways that they can protect both themselves and also the individuals they are dealing with. Transparency and individual rights around being filmed are part of the issues we are still working through.


Bruce King Sun 6 Aug 2017 8:12PM

Seeking to clarify 5, is "inflicting physical interference upon the bodies" intended to mean something more than physical contact? Would adding the word "intimate" better capture the intent? Or, alternatively, is the intent to prevent something wider than that? Imo definitions &/or clarifications needed here so the intent of 5 is clear e.g. relating to arrests.


Colin Smith Mon 7 Aug 2017 11:02AM

That is a good point and I do not think we have discussed that in depth as yet. I have never been at the receiving end to know exactly what is used.

At this stage I would imagine it would be referring to Taser, Tear Gas, Sonic Canon. This would be where it is used to breakup what would have been a legal gathering.

Where the gathering descends into riot then there would be just cause to use such technology.
The rub comes when these are used to incite the riot they say they need to stop.

Intimidation: That is a little hard to measure because it is a personal experience. You can feel intimidated just by being in the presence of an individual who has no intention to do you any harm at all.

This is where body cameras can help determine the chain of events.

I read a post recently that quoted the Chief of Police (England) message to all British Law Enforcement Officers that they should not prevent members of the public from photographing or filming in public areas for any reason. Having collaborating copies of events from members of the public he viewed as being highly desirable. Not being seen to be afraid of their individual actions be recorded - would he felt – provide the general public with confidence in the officers actions.

Somewhere above there is a comment about the cameras being turned off or footage lost.
We could stipulate that the cameras cannot be turned off by the wearer and video can only be copied / recovered by a special officer / technician who is charged with looking after the equipment.


Suzie Dawson Tue 8 Aug 2017 5:45PM

Now that we have agreed to include the first 8 principles (and yes the precise details of these will have to be worked out in the drafting process) - what else should we include?

Other proposals so far:

  • Ban mass surveillance
  • Protect encryption as a human right (freedom of communication)

Anything else you think should be included in the decision process during the next AntiSpyBill event on August 20? Let us know below.