Useful links and videos
Resources that you might find interesting
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:40PM
I've been building a Padlet around useful Climate/Carbon Footprint materials/links for the past year or so... whilst I was being certified in the Carbon Literacy Programme and later thinking about how we could create a more behavioural change focussed engaging programme (instead of being based on mainly content). The link is here should you wish to have a look:
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:42PM
More from Kris on polarisation and entrenched views, how our actions can change our beliefs and what's happening in our brain. (he also has a documentary on the same subject).
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:42PM
Interesting view on a People's Assembly. (edited)
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:43PM
These are links to 2 Map programs TTP is using to show our national community and how it is connected. The first is geographical and may be useful to use in your own area to list local goings-on, and the second is more of a mind map showcasing what everyone in the TTP is getting up to.
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:45PM
This is from Jane (Devon Doughnut) There was quite a bit of interest in our work to create the UK's first River Charter, and, more generally, the concept of rights for nature. I forgot to mention that a well-balanced piece that was published recently in the Telegraph Magazine that positions our work as potentially solutionary...Bioregional Learning River Charter: Doughnut'The battle for our rivers' article in the Telegraph Magazine:
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:47PM
Devon Doughnut
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:47PM A presentation from Indra Adnan (from 45 mins) and Aneira from around 55 mins.
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:48PM This might be of interest to those setting up new organisations. I worked with Graham for many years and we tried various organisational structures in companies we set up. I had a chat with Gareth and Daneel a while ago, who are part of Grahams 'Rebuild' network and have set up a Fair Share Commons organisation in the UK. They also recently presented to the CEC network.
Carolyn Fri 6 May 2022 12:49PM
A great session with Climate Psychology Alliance and the CEC network on how to run Climate Cafes...
Carolyn · Fri 6 May 2022 12:33PM
Why there's much more to climate action from Kris a neuroscientist I've been working with looking a behavioural change in respect of carbon literacy (currently in content/information delivery mode).