Mon 19 Aug 2019 8:34AM

Gathering information from Unconference

MT Mathew Townsend Public Seen by 43

Hi SESP organisers,

I would like to see the Unconference to be a next step for the QSEC and social enterprise for Qld. I like to treat all sessions to be recorded in information that we able to action and put forward for next steps such as 'legal information'.

It is important to continue and maintain our relationship by keeping in touch and follow up. This is good for our strategy development with the state government, including our state of impact survey.

Recording information can be like allocating notes from sessions, workshops, and create new groups as mini project teams to task on relevant actions. I like to see groups formed on outcome such as:
Legal entity
Regional Chapters
Philanthropy and investment, and etc.

Looking forward seeing you all on Friday!


Rena Frohman Tue 20 Aug 2019 5:28AM

Hi @mathewtownsend
Thank you for the ideas and support. The SESP team and Governance Group are thinking along the same lines. We have organised a few different strategies to ensure that we capture the voices and ideas that come out of the Unconference sessions so that the lessons learned can be applied to future development of the SE sector.
For example, we have a great group of volunteer Griffith University students who will be coming along to the Unconference as listeners/participants. The SESP team will actively gather their notes and share summaries of ideas discussed with the Navigators on Loomio. We want to ensure that Navigators who are not able to attend the Unconference are still able to learn and reflect on the issues raised.
It will be exciting to see what comes out of the weekend and how this will contribute to creating stronger networks and a greater profile for SE.


Mathew Townsend Tue 20 Aug 2019 9:45PM

Thanks @renafrohman it is good idea, and also good to see we have volunteers. I like how we move forward beyond the Unconference. Social enterprises is definitely a solution to addressing economic downturn we facing as a society