Wed 27 Apr 2016 3:39AM

Running the sprint on the day(s) - your help needed please

EH Elizabeth Heritage Public Seen by 287

Kia ora everyone

Thank you all so much for your help so far. Since 30 of the 52 people registered to join in the sprint are joining remotely, I need your help please in facilitating their participation.

Please could I ask you all to sign up here https://chat.oeru.org/channel/oersprint (if you haven't already) and to introduce yourselves, talk to people, and generally help people find a team / answer questions / make sure no one feels left out?

I would be really grateful.

Hei konā mai


Elizabeth Heritage Wed 27 Apr 2016 3:42AM

NB: For those of you who haven't registered through the website http://oersprint.nz/, here's what I've said to all participants:

The main thing to do before the sprints start is to have a think about what kind of OER you want to create, who (if anyone) you want to form a team with, and what kinds of materials you will need to work with. It's entirely up to you to decide what you want to make!

There are two physical locations for sprints: Wellington (contact me) and Whanganui (contact melita@doublefarley.com). If you haven't already, please let your host know with any dietary requirements.

Many of you will be joining in from other locations around the country. You are welcome to work on your own, or to form teams with others. Please introduce yourself here: https://chat.oeru.org/channel/oersprint You can link up with others with similar interests and form a team with them. If you don't have a particular project you want to work on, this is the place you can see what others are doing and join in.

If you're new and want to learn more about how sprints and hacks work in NZ, you might like to take a look at the Media Text Hack Cookbook (https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/handle/10523/4820), which sets out the processes and lessons learned from a similar previous exercise. (Please note that our OER Sprints will be slightly different, since, rather than everyone working to create one particular resource, everyone can choose what to create.)

For those of you attending one of the physical events, please bring your own computer. We will supply wifi and food & drink.

For those of you attending remotely, please use the chat channel https://chat.oeru.org/channel/oersprint to talk to your fellow sprinters. You can also Tweet us (@CC_Aotearoa) and use the hashtag #OERsprint.


Deleted account Wed 27 Apr 2016 5:14AM

Hi Elizabeth,

Unfortunately I will no longer be able to participate on Saturday. Please remove me from the mailing lists.


Corrin Vedder