Community Organization: Some Definitios
Following the e-mail sent to Council ML on 18/06 with the following body:
«I suggest the naming to be OpenMandriva Groups, that can shortened to OMG (I know it sounds like Oh My God).
Definition: a OpenMandriva Group (OMG) it's a form of community organization created by will of users and based on linguistic, regional/local or interest identity. Any type of community organization that applies to be officially recognized by OpenMandriva Association has the mission to help develop and evolve the OMA and its products on those same levels.
All the OMG are run and managed with autonomy but keeping respect by the OMA Branding, Products and Statutes.
*The OMG have the mission to evolve and develop the OM, OMA and OM Projects in a determined area based on language, localization or interest.
*The OMG may apply for the use of OMA infrastructure with the goal of fulfilling their mission and in compliance with OMA.
*Each OMG can have to a maximum of 3 leaders and managers, that are the responsible in behalf of OMA for that group.
*Each OMG leader has place in the OpenMandriva General Assembly without power vote unless is a OMA Member.
*Each language/regional based OMG has the power to choose the official forum moderators for that region/language.
*All the OMG are part of the OpenMandriva Ecosystem.
Moving to the User Community Representative, after some reading of opinions and thinking my suggestion goes for: Users Delegate
(Example of OMG: Blogdrake,, MIB, edumandriva, etc...)
Definition: User Delegate is the Community representative in the OpenMandriva Association Advisory Board.
The UD mission is to make the bridge between the OMA Council and the Community, bringing to the Council the sense, opinions and expectations of the community as well as the general coordination between all the OMG and the OMA.
*Only a OMA member can be a User Delegate
*User delegate is elected by the OMGs (leaders).
*The UD has a seat on the OMA Advisory Board.
*The UD can use the OMA infrastructure to fulfill is mission on behalf of OMA.
*The UD has the mission to collect new ideas, suggestions, and expectations from the community and present them to the council.
*The UD has the mission to help all the OMG integrate in the OM Ecosystem and Association
*The UD, in its advisory board role, can lobby in favor of community based on the collected information.
*The UD, in its adivsory board role, can suggest to council people from the community to be consultants.
*The UD is elected for 3 years. The non fulfillment of it's mission can lead to the title lost if approved on OMA General Assembly, or by majority vote of the OMG. »
Some suggestions were added by Jean-Claude and Rapael, that were:
- Giving e-mail addresses to representatives
- Naming issues related to the Groups, suggesting naming them PODs.
Poll Created Sat 22 Jun 2013 8:20AM
Naming of Groups Closed Tue 25 Jun 2013 8:00AM
If you want OpenMandriva Groups vote YES
If you want to call them Community Pods vote NO.
The first is a more generic name similar to what Mandriva had, the MUGs.
The second is a more wider name, that sees the community as a network with multiple knots.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 0.0% | 0 | |
Abstain | 33.3% | 2 | ||
Disagree | 66.7% | 4 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 6 |
6 of 12 people have participated (50%)
João Azevedo Patrício
Sat 22 Jun 2013 8:28AM
I'll go for Community Pods, I believe it's a more flexible approach of name.
Raphaël Jadot
Sat 22 Jun 2013 10:25AM
I prefer pods
Leonardo Melo
Mon 24 Jun 2013 3:52PM
Kate Lebedeff
Mon 24 Jun 2013 4:38PM
I wonder what is the best way of taking discussion forward, when people abstain or object? The first option is to ask them to give their variant, and prolong the time of loomio (IMO better), the other to take it to the meeting. Any other way?
João Azevedo Patrício Sat 22 Jun 2013 8:28AM
Any new name suggestion should vote: Abstain and add the suggestion. If someone likes that suggestion more please abstain and refer it.
João Azevedo Patrício Mon 1 Jul 2013 2:28PM
@katelebedeff The discussion was taken in ML (I agree that waste wrong place for it), there were two proposals for the name. No one gave any other. From that I made this loomio, and the easy way to see if people like one or another was to vote following rules. The abstain was only for people who don't line no one, and liked to add a new. If they were relevant, this means more than the other it would be interesting to discuss more. In this case the voting reveals that Community Pods have won.
Kate Lebedeff Fri 5 Jul 2013 12:42AM
See your point. Do you think we need to formalize your suggestions (as you sent them in email) through council meeting, or? what would be the final step on the topic?
João Azevedo Patrício Fri 5 Jul 2013 8:45AM
@katelebedeff I believe this subject is closed. Right now we need to put things up. I'll start the discussion directly with the Pods. this means, in my pov that the "institutional" discussion should be ended. There was not contribution that means that it's a tacit decision.
João Azevedo Patrício · Sat 22 Jun 2013 8:21AM
Regarding the Naming, I prefer the second bet (Community Pods), more versatility and flexibility. The first is just easier to identify as a "group". But if we have clear definitions that is really not important imho.