
Lack of facilities beyond Brooklyn and Vogelmorn

JH( Julia Hamilton (WCC) Public Seen by 182

Some of the responses felt there was a lack of community facilities and gathering places in parts of the area, such as Kingston and Kowhai Park. Do you agree? If so, what specific facilities would provide the greatest value in these places?


Ben Zwartz Sun 1 Mar 2015 5:21AM

how about a cafe at the Kingston garage on the corner of Montreal Gr?


Sophie Jerram Mon 2 Mar 2015 1:53AM

Nice idea @benzwartz
Christie, who lives in Quebec St and came on the wind walk, was talking about a simple BBQ site behind the Kingston shops next to the playground too. Who has her contact details and can we add her into this discussion? @davidbagnall


David Bagnall Mon 2 Mar 2015 6:11AM

Liking it. The idea of one or two hoops each for basketball and netball also came up. Presumably not over the BBQ though. The thing about a cafe is it would have to be commercially viable. Less ambitious would be a room for meetings, with the occasional session by a coffee provider. Is the garage closing? Would be a bit of clean-up.

Christie said she was going to put in a surveymonkey form, and would include her details there. @juliahamilton - when it comes in can you send her a Loomio invitation or make contact in some way? She also promised to promote Kaka to neighbours and friends.