Thematic Analysis - a practical workshop

Following on from the Thematic Analysis 'masterclass' the previous day, it would be great to run an all day workshop around analysing data. This would be an oppotunity to look over qualitative data together, think about practical ways of working from 'data immersion' to 'coding' and up to 'themes', and exchange ideas around how we analyse, and what we interpret, from data.
We would have a mix of people from those completely new to qualitative analysis to those with lots of experience in thematic analysis and qualitative research. It will be a forum to help each other out, support each other, & come up with exciting new analyses! We will look to use a new dataset so the analysis on the day had some value.
It would be great to have people's thoughts on:
* good subjects for the dataset we could work on together? We thought about interviewing people about social media/intimacy with their mobile phone, any other suggestions?
* what people currently find interesting/difficult/challenging about thematic analysis (& qualitative analysis more widely) to know how we can focus the day
* other qualitative approaches people are interested in (discourse analysis/narrative analysis/IPA) so we can think about how we can mapping principles of thematic analysis onto these approaches
Would be great to have your thoughts!
tatiana styliari · Mon 18 Apr 2016 11:22AM
I hope this gets enough people to actually happen because I used thematic analysis for the first time this year and I would really like to hear other people's perspectives on it. I definitely need to develop my knowledge on that and I think this workshop would be really good.