Parking, Vans and live in vehicles ****updated****

After speaking to site (24/01) we now believe there may be parking for up to 50 vehicles, especially if we have a parking volunteer making sure people squeeze in.
I also contacted a local visitor attraction (Mabie Farm Park) who have agreed to let us park up to 30 cars there for an undisclosed fee for the duration of the event if we need an overflow. The car park is a 1.5 mile walk from site, and a 2.5 mile drive. However, if we organise car share/pick ups from public transport etc, I imagine 50 vehicles should be enough to transport all members to site?
After much thought, I have a proposal-
Anyone wanting to bring a van/ live-in vehicle pays £20 for the guarantee of parking on site. Vans are larger than cars, will take up more space and potentially carry less members, meaning we may need to park cars in an overflow.
We try to fit as many cars as possible on site, using parking volunteers to squeeze people in.
If we need to use the overflow parking at MFP, we pay for this using the money from the parking permits from live-in vehicles.
If the overflow parking is not required, or the full amount of money collected from van permits is not needed, then the remaining money could be redistributed back to the people with vans.
I am happy to take the payment via PayPal friends and family with some kind of open record if people are happy to go with this idea? Any other suggestions welcome.
Let’s talk parking and live in vehicles! We are waiting on more information from the venue about on site parking, but it seems that it may be quite limited. It sounds as if overflow parking may be available in a nearby lay-by and a forestry commission car park down the road. We still need to find out if that car park is pay and display. With that in mind, what are your thoughts on the following?
how many people are hoping to bring a live in vehicle?
How many people have no other vehicle available?
How do you feel about prioritising on-site parking for those staying in live-in vehicles so everyone can be on site during the event, with cars using the overflow?
If this were the case and the car park is pay and display, potentially as a group we could arrange a daily shuttle to the car park to top up?
Do you think we should charge for a live in vehicle pass?
If so, how much do you think is a reasonable amount?
Should this go straight into pot two? Maybe be used in another way? (For example, covering possible parking fees of non-live in vehicles in the overspill car park)
Any ideas on how payment could be taken for this? We could use the same platform as the membership sales but this would incur Stripe fees.
Any other thoughts about parking at all?
(Please poke everyone you know who has a membership and encourage them to take part in these discussions as all decisions made here will affect us all.)

Katie Mon 17 Jan 2022 9:20PM
As someone without a driving license (medical reasons) I really appreciate your offer of picking folk up from station!
Hardcastle Wed 12 Jan 2022 8:58PM
if there's not a place on site to store vehicles then this should be information told to people before they plan their travel, or shamelessly prioritised based on what they're bringing. I've spoken to others coming from overseas and we were going to cram four of us in a car and drive up, if we can unload there and park nearby that's great but it's stuff people should know

Sam B Wed 12 Jan 2022 9:06PM
I think that’s kind of the point of this ap, to get a conversation started about vehicles and travel to give everyone plenty of time to plan once we know all of the details from the venue.
Deleted account Tue 18 Jan 2022 12:12PM
There is space to store vehicles on-site and nearby, it's just that there's limited space on-site. It's a small site which is why it's a small burn

Richard North Wed 12 Jan 2022 10:13PM
Hi guys,
My only thought on the paid parking is that we’d need to input the vehicles info into either an app or the machine itself so if that’s the case not sure how putting money into a pot would help as it would be the owners info that gets them ticket… more info needed here I think.
I have no issue reserving the on-site parking for live-in vans. I have a live-in van but I won’t actually be staying in it so I’ll only bid for a spot if there’s any left after the van LY4s have pitched up if all agreed on that.
Charging for live-in parking spots…that’s a tricky 1. Gut says no but I can see the reasoning behind it. (Helpful I know)
Oooorrrr it’s just 1st come 1st served…with peace and love of course 😊
Rob Sandberg Thu 13 Jan 2022 9:49AM
- I think it is fair for non-live-in vehicles to park off site as long as there is a drop-off point and the walking distance it no too onerous or shuttle sorted
- A nominal vehicle pass cost is also fair, especially of there is cost for overflow parking and could encourage rideshare
- Rideshare is a great idea for those geolocated and can easily setup with a shared worksheet or survey
- Another option is a cooperative rental truck for gear for those that would like to take the train with a couple of pre-arranged pickup/drop off locations along the way. This would require quite a bit of logistics...
- Mabey a poll is in order to determine the impact?

Sam Lee Thu 13 Jan 2022 10:47AM
Lets wait untill next site visit so that we're working with real numbers. Hopefully it will be in the next few weeks
Chris Hemmings Thu 13 Jan 2022 12:55PM
I have a live-in vehicle and I wouldn’t be averse to paying a little surcharge for having a sweet spot au centre du ville. Particularly if we may end up being oversubscribed for it.
It would also make sense for non-lived vehicles to be in the overflow and for us to come up with some sort of shuttle service so people are able to go back and forth.
Ben Thu 13 Jan 2022 1:21PM
I'd be bringing my van and would be happy to pay for live in vehicle parking.
If there's very limited space and the potential to not be able to park near by or on-site id have definitely preferred to know this prior to buying a membership
Allan · Wed 12 Jan 2022 7:30PM
I'll have a car but happy to park it up at a lay-by or car park (or between 2 trees if that's not frowned on).
Ideally it'd be good if those with cars can drive up on site, unload & then take the cars up to wherever they have to go. Reversing the process when leaving. Depending on the size of the turning space, loading/unloading, & times that may require a bit of management.
Alternatively, if that's a challenge for whatever reason we should be able to get someone with a van to run a few loads of folks stuff from parking to site. I think it's only a mile or two from the fc car park so that should be walkable for most.
Also I'm happy to do a few runs to the train station to pick folk up if it helps reduce car numbers.