Генеральная асамблея 2015 (фармат анлайн)

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You are hereby invited to take part in PPI's first online General Assembly on March 14, 2015. Please note that the registration procedures and general timeline for the General Assembly differ to a traditional General Assembly, so please do read all linked documentation!
Future updates will be added to the wiki page for this GA:
High level explanation of proceedings
An online general assembly is held, using a proposed rules of procedure tailored for this purpose. A General Assembly Team is created for handling the General Assembly.
Proposals are submitted to the wiki. Proposals may be edited by the proposer until a specific deadline. All discussion on proposals occurs on the talk pages. Amendments to these proposals may be proposed until the deadline specified in the timeline.
A seven day voting period occurs instead of voting on SAPs at the meeting itself. A mumble meeting is to be held at 12:00 UTC on 14 March in order to meet the requirements of the statutes, with a Rules of Procedure allowing deadlines to be enforced and limiting the meeting to accepting the RoP, the agenda, and the voting ballots.
Delegates register with the GA Team using a PGP key. The public key will be published so the identity of ballots can be easily confirmed. GA Team has its own procedures for managing this, published as part of their RoP. All submitted ballots must be signed with a registered PGP key or the ballot will not be accepted.
The GA Team is required to assist with PGP-related issues, so you need not worry if you're having difficulties, as they will assist.
The GA Team will tally up the votes on the day after voting closes and the results will be announced and added to the minutes.
This GA will be for the purposes of statute amendment proposals, formal motions and resolving the issues relating to membership affiliation fees. All other issues (such as elections or new member admissions) are beyond the scope of this extraordinary GA and shall be held over until the Poland GA in July.
Please acquaint yourself with the timeline for this GA:
A General Assembly Team has been formed for managing the GA:
Currently the GA Team has one member. If your Party is aware of a suitable candidate, it would be greatly appreciated if they could be nominated as soon as possible!
A simplified Rules of Procedure have been developed to implement this timeline:
Key dates
Feb 14: deadline for statute amendment proposals, registration period begins
Mar 13: deadline for registration
Mar 14: Mumble meeting occurs at 12:00 UTC, 7 day voting begins at conclusion
Mar 22: results published and minuted.
Creating proposals
As it is intended for as much discussion regarding proposals to occur significantly prior to the beginning of the meeting, proposals will be placed on their own wiki pages and linked to from an index of proposals.
The page listing all proposals is here:
The technicalities of this are currently being sorted out (admin access for GA Team members, etc).
If for whatever reason we are unable to attain administration access for GA Team members on the PPI wiki, a wiki specifically created for the GA will be configured by PPAU as a matter of urgency.
Loose ends
This announcement should appear on the website in the coming days.
As I cannot guarantee that all member parties are actually on this mailing list, please do your best to inform parties in your region that this event is occurring.
The GA Team email address will be created shortly (the address for registration, etc) and an update will be provided as soon as that occurs.
Special thanks go to PPAU and Brendan Molloy for assisting in the organisation of this online GA
Best regards,
Koen De Voegt - Co-chair PPI
Mikhail Volchek · Wed 4 Feb 2015 7:55AM
Аўстрыйцы прапануюць някепскую рэформу пірацкага інтэрнацыянала: http://piratetimes.net/this-is-our-last-chance-to-reform-ppi/