Wed 4 Mar 2015 12:56AM

Perth Cycle Report

AJ Adam Jorlen Public Seen by 442

Andrew Wilkinson - one of the bike-riding enthusiasts at the Vic Park Transition network has put a proposal together for a network of protected bike lanes running around the inner metro suburbs and down to Freo.

He wants us to endorse it and put the enkel logo on it.


Fei Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:54AM

Also, if we support...how are we doing that? What are we doing? Verbal/moral support or...?


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 2:10AM

Only including our name + logo in the report at this stage. The other organisations I've heard will be included are Dismantle, Vic Park Collective, City of Fremantle and other pro-bike orgs...


Ben Wed 4 Mar 2015 10:42AM

Can I endorse without loomio?

I'd say yes, endorse it. Enkel is tangentially related in a way. Change makers require change and it's about time more bikes got on the road


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 11:26AM

Why are you not on Loomio, Ben?


Fei Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:17PM

Why is loomio sending me three bloody emails for every little update?? :-/


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 9:42PM

Change in "Email preferences" - if you click the drop-down menu next to your name in the top right corner :)


Deleted User Mon 15 Feb 2016 8:41AM

I know its 12 months ago... but what was the outcomes of this report, if anything. Just out of curiosity.


Adam Jorlen Mon 15 Feb 2016 8:49AM

Andrew Wilkinson who put together the report actually came down to the MiniLab recently. He's currently pushing for extended bike lanes in Vic Park, but I didn't hear anything about the outcome of the Perth network report. He's on [email protected] for more info.