Wed 4 Mar 2015 12:56AM

Perth Cycle Report

AJ Adam Jorlen Public Seen by 442

Andrew Wilkinson - one of the bike-riding enthusiasts at the Vic Park Transition network has put a proposal together for a network of protected bike lanes running around the inner metro suburbs and down to Freo.

He wants us to endorse it and put the enkel logo on it.


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:18AM


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:19AM

I will create a proposal...


Poll Created Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:20AM

Enkel should endorse the Perth Ring Cycle Report Closed Thu 5 Mar 2015 2:04AM

by Adam Jorlen Tue 25 Apr 2017 5:23AM

Majority of votes for this proposal

enkel should endorse Andrew Wilkinson's Perth Ring Cycle Report and our logo can be included.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 71.4% 5 AJ DU PVS AT LW
Abstain 14.3% 1 F
Disagree 14.3% 1 AM
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 12 EO JS BA AT BM MV JQZ MG KK TR GD

7 of 19 people have participated (36%)


Adam Jorlen
Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:21AM

more bike lanes in Perth are needed


Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:23AM

seems weird for us to endorse when we're not really about bikes. I support bike lanes yes...but endorse??


Deleted account
Wed 4 Mar 2015 2:44AM

Definitely agree.
We need to begin championing and connecting with more sustainability initiatives. WA needs it. And enkel needs it.


Luke Wreyford
Wed 4 Mar 2015 10:26AM

a worthy cause, + good exposure for Enkel.


Fei Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:22AM

hmm...i dunno...seems irrelevant to have us endorse it? It's not like we're some bike affiliated organisation...happy to support but endorse...??


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:25AM

Yes, maybe we should change wording to support


Adam Jorlen Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:28AM

Andrew's exact question is:
"Would you be willing to let me add Enkel's logo to the cover page of the report, along with some other organisations?

I am planning to release the report next week. I will include you in the distribution of the final version."

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