Sean Tilley Wed 19 Sep 2012 12:07AM
TODO: Make FreeLinking create a new page, rather than search for an existing one.

Florian Staudacher Wed 19 Sep 2012 3:18PM
Not to criticise or anything, but a wiki module for a cms will always lack in comparison to a 'real' wiki.
Personally I'd much rather use two separate pieces of software and integrate user login than bend one solution to serve as both.

Sean Tilley Wed 19 Sep 2012 10:40PM
Not a problem, no offense was taken. :) Thanks for the input.
If we want to take that route and just use an authenticated Wikipedia on a subdomain, there seem to be a few good modules available worth considering:
- MediaWiki Users http://drupal.org/project/mediawiki_users
- MediaWiki auth: http://drupal.org/project/mediawikiauth
In the first example, MediaWiki users seem to override Drupal users, so that you have to be registered on the wiki to log in to the Drupal site. In the second, the opposite approach is taken, and the wiki can be registered on and logged in with using a Drupal account instead.
I think the second option might be a good one worth trying out. If anything, that might just save me time trying to unnecessarily recreate functionality.

Florian Staudacher Thu 20 Sep 2012 12:03AM
I also think the second option you mentioned would be best, considering that there is a Persona/BrowserID plugin for Drupal and none (or just an unfinished one) for MediaWiki.
Oh, and tell me, if I can help you with anything. Your Drupal testsite is looking good already.

groovehunter Thu 20 Sep 2012 10:40PM
Does the drupal wiki markup work fine for creating new pages and checking for exsting? I have not done the video tutorial yet. Or do you have another howto ? @Sean
I agree with Florian that an experienced mediawiki user will be handicapped in drupal and separated tools might be preferred.
Both ways could be followed for some weeks even though. It might become comfortable to convert wiki nodes other cms content for example.

Sean Tilley Thu 20 Sep 2012 11:09PM
Yeah, I've come to agree with Florian. However, we need to think about whose server we'll be hosting this on. I have a VPS, but it's hosting a few sites already. So, we need to organize:
- Domain Name for project site
- where to host it.
I figure no one has any objections, so I'll purchase the diaspora-project.org domain and save us a world of trouble with trying to get the old project site out of the hands of whoever owns it.
Would someone be willing to host it on a community-supported server?
After that, I can set up a Mediawiki on a sub-domain as wiki.diaspora-project.org, and we can integrate it into the main site through the second described method.

groovehunter Fri 21 Sep 2012 9:46AM
somewhere i read the domain suggestion of diasporacommunity.org
the modified name with a hyphen is in danger to create more confusion... IMO
hosting: I could create an uberspace.de for wiki and or for drupal. This is a nerdy provider where you pay as much as you want, minimum 1€/month space is 10GB, traffic is fine I think. For administration ssh keys of a few people can be added.

Sean Tilley Fri 21 Sep 2012 11:55AM
I think DiasporaCommunity.org is problematic for two reasons:
We want the site to be a main hub that serves both the project and the community. I think some problems have come up because the project site itself served very little purpose, but if you look at the major community-driven project sites, they tend to both showcase what's going on in their community, while also informing newcomers of their project, and also pointing resources to those who need it. The project consists of, ultimately, the community.
Although it's a minor point, DiasporaCommunity.org is a pretty long URL. Diaspora-Project.org isn't the greatest solution, but it's at least four characters shorter.
At the very least, we can shut down the old duplicate site by shutting down The Diaspora Project Heroku app. Better yet, we could even alter it for a short while to just say "Hey, the project moved!", and point to the new site. I intend to move over.
However, there is one other alternative domain we could get our hands on, as a volunteer that owned it mentioned it to me a while ago: diaspora.me. It's fairly short, and in a strange sense, the user can get a sense of personhood with the .me extension.
I've already purchased the diaspora-project.org URL for safekeeping, in case we decided to go with it (10 bucks isn't bad), so it's there if we really need it.
What say you, Groove?

Florian Staudacher Fri 21 Sep 2012 1:09PM
as far as hosting goes:
I think we should write to some of the most common webhosting agencies in the US and Europe (because that's where most of the 'team' is currently located) and ask them what they can offer us as an open-source 'for-the-good-of-mankind' project.
Maybe some of them would be willing to provide 'special' offers to us?
Sean Tilley · Tue 18 Sep 2012 11:23PM
Been working on setting this up. You can find the current Drupal wiki prototype here: http://www.dproj.deadsuperhero.com/wiki/main-page
Currently, it:
Right now, I'm in the process of duplicating existing wiki content, sectioning it off, and then creating some views to make some "last updated" lists.
Additionally, we can make use of Taxonomy for indexing and tagging wiki pages if we really want to.