Mon 18 Apr 2022 4:50PM

Notice: EarthArXiv system upgrade 2022.04.19 (Tues) [Complete]

AW Alainna Wrigley Public Seen by 59

Hello everyone,

The CDL will be upgrading eartharxiv.org to Janeway 1.4.1 RC6 on 2022.04.19 (Tuesday). The server may be briefly offline between 1-2pm Pacific (UTC-7)/8-9PM UTC. (Very excited to see this update live -- it brings in several fixes. 馃檪)

I'll update this thread once the upgrade is complete. Until then, let us know if you experience any issues at [email protected].

Thanks and warm regards,



Bruce Caron Tue 19 Apr 2022 2:18PM

Thanks CDL! Looking forward to this one.


Alainna Wrigley Tue 19 Apr 2022 8:43PM

The upgrade is complete and everything is back up and running! Let us know if you encounter any issues at [email protected].

What's included? A deal of stuff! Here's a list of the features from 1.4.1 RC6:
