Member Contribution

Following on from our recent poll where the decision was passed to make changes to member contributions as outlined in the Fairness Proposal, some members wanted to be able to ask some clarifying questions. Here's the space to do it.
The proposal decision will be fed back to the next Dollars Jedi on Thursday 20th May.

Jodie Schleusener
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I really like the idea of having the option to pay a higher fee as a non-contributing member. I wonder if 50% is too high? How does this compare to the award as a casual in the same role?
Francisco de Paula
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
We have to start somewhere. Is possible to include a review process in 6-12 months, perhaps?

Luke Gilray
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I feel it is a fair and equitable proposal.
Cristina Massia
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
Hi guys, I agree in general. The only thing that I am not so sure is: in my case for example, I work for Jeder 3 days per week and I have other job for the other 2 days. For those who work part time, should they still have the same requirements in regards to attendance to jedi meetings as someone who is full time?

Katrina Loukas
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I agree to an extent. I think the 5% should be voluntary, not enforced. I also feel strongly, being a POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PRACTITIONER, that punitive measures are too old school/divisive; and in actuality, if there is NO facilitation through community discussion as to WHY the lack of engagement, well then we are robbing ourselves of an opportunity to see the Art of Hosting and Community Participation in ACTION...
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I feel that members that do not contribute should not have the same rewards, as other member who do contribute,...just making it fair...
Deleted account
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
Seems fair. We all need to contribute as Jeder is awesome and benefits from all of us and our input, as we benefit from being a part of Jeder.

Michaela Kennedy
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
While I mostly agree, I think 50% is too extreme and I don't understand the difference between 25% and 50%, it is not clear to me. I also agree with other's comments about Contribution to Culture plus 1 other Jedi needs to be clear that it is for the long term. I am curious about who will monitor and inform TCOB, this will be a job in itself.

Rob Hosking
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I like the concept and agree with the majority in principle. However, I think the membership contributions could be clearer. I think it could be pitched as two options for members, rather than a consequence of not participating. When members aren't participating the conversation would be had about changing their status. However, I think things like member moments and attendance at team meetings should always be compulsory as they are part of our auditing and compliance activities.

Steve Ripley
Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:40AM
I'm very new to Jeder and it's concepts of providing a new paradigm - a paradigm which I strongly believe is long overdue. I feel that Jeder provides a space for people to network, interact, and support each other in the 'new world of NDIS'. Each member has much to offer. Contributing to this building is so important. To simply become a member then reap the benefits of other people's knowledge and skills without contributing is in many ways taking advantage of other people.