Mon 27 May 2024 2:45AM

Billable Hours Framework

JE Jason Emmins Public Seen by 29

Over the last few months, the Billable Hours Framework has been developed to assist our NDIS members in their billing practices. It is designed to guide our practices in terms of claims from NDIS Plans and safeguard participants.

Your feedback and comments are welcomed. We will review the feedback/comments after the 10th June and refine the document for final approval/voting. Please feel free to add comments directly to the document and/or in this thread.

Billable Hours Framework _for member feedback .docx


Kaeleen Hunter Mon 27 May 2024 1:20PM

nice one Jason - all ties in with the qualitive audit coming up and NDIS cracking down the same.....time to get ourselves very focused on what we capture and document while using the correct guidelines - nice one


Dee Brooks Mon 27 May 2024 10:13PM

Great work, team! I would like to see something about our shared values, ethical considerations and maybe reference to our Pillars in here somewhere - it feels very pointy at the moment and referencing the above mentioned elements might also offer our "why" we are doing this.

Also, in relation to the part about raising concerns at Hooman Jedi and contacting relevant Member, could there be mention of the coaching framework and/or optimising strategy?

Other than that, it's a massively long "policy" and maybe it can be made a tad more consumable by creating some appendices with the tables? Or not.


Jason Emmins Sun 2 Jun 2024 10:24AM

@Cathy Erbacher , can you see this thread?


Tess Pollard Mon 3 Jun 2024 2:10AM

Thanks for putting this together, those involved. One area that hasn't been addressed in this framework (most likely due to timing) is our emerging STA services. Food for thought, if you or I Jason are invoicing for a 24-48 hour block, that will essentially render us unable to complete behaviour support services or engage in our Jeder contributions.


Tess Pollard Mon 3 Jun 2024 2:12AM

I also agree with Dee, if we can work to make it less wordy/easier to consume, that would be great - acknowledging this is still in draft. Chat GPT is great at getting word counts down, whole documents or paragraphs :)


Sharon Tierney Tue 4 Jun 2024 12:42AM

Amazing work on this Framework Pennie and Jason. Thanks so much for all the time you've put into this. My feedback is around claiming timeframes. I feel like the first point of the overarching principles (claims should be made within 3 months post service date) contradicts the section on Underclaims (for example if a member has not had claims processed over a 3-4 week period). I also think its best practice to do our timesheets daily or at least weekly and this 3-month window is too loose and impacts cash flow as well as the potential quality and detail of progress notes. Also, if a member leaves suddenly for whatever reason and we are potentially missing 3 months of progress notes/billings then that is a risk. I really like the flow chart around area of concern decision making. Super clear pathway and expectation. I also like the information regarding guidance on billable hours and non-billable hours (33 max billable). Great to have this clear messaging, especially for new members coming on in the future. I do think that the framework needs to be this detailed but perhaps a content page with links could be added so that people can quickly access any specific area of the framework that they need clarification on. Thanks again. Great job. ❤️


Pennie Eddy Wed 12 Jun 2024 6:09AM

@Sharon Tierney Totally agree about claiming timeframes


Luke Gilray Tue 4 Jun 2024 12:22PM

Great stuff to reinforce good practices moving forward post audit. Love the Billable Hours framework process diagram. I may have missed it if it was mentioned in the document, but can key parts of this be included in the induction training and reinforced expectations of reading this?


Jason Emmins Fri 7 Jun 2024 11:51AM

@Dee Brooks @Jason Emmins - COBU members- we need to include invoicing as part of the billable hours framework.


Luke Gilray Wed 12 Jun 2024 6:30AM

I've had another read of this document. I really think four weeks would already be a generous amount of time to back-bill. Three months seems excessive.