Sun 5 Jul 2015 1:48PM

Aim 5: We challenge existing notions of what ELT is.

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Paul Walsh Tue 7 Jul 2015 3:22PM

We might say: Aim - To investigate the boundaries of our profession


Bill Templer Tue 7 Jul 2015 4:58PM


the boundaries for some of us are inclusion of teaching about social justice issues, whether you're teaching English or German, French or Russian as an L2.. Teaching the language, however structures and lexis are defined and delimited, is the standard core of FLT, trhat is undisputed. But the 'content' is virtually unlimited.The boundaries can include a great deal, sometimes termed 'ethical pedagogy' (http://goo.gl/tlVwwI ( http://goo.gl/tlVwwI ) ).



Marek Kiczkowiak Wed 8 Jul 2015 9:17PM

I think this one is VERY vague. It could mean anything really.


Helen Waldron Sat 11 Jul 2015 2:13PM

The revised version is still vague. My first thought was of teachers being pressurised to offer unpaid extras, which is not what you meant. Will the aim be followed by a short sentence or two?


Paul Walsh Sat 11 Jul 2015 4:37PM

Yep, I agree Helen - it is a big vague. Though I think the boundaries of our profession is one issue worth exploring i.e. Who get's to decide the boundaries of our profession? What can we talk about and what can we NOT talk about? But this is a kind of sociological question I suppose.

I also think 'We challenge the status quo thinking that exists in ELT' is another idea.