Kickstarter for Diaspora API?

I wanted to do this but, in my stomach, I feel a flaw of some sort hence why I came on here. I thought it'd be neat to do a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to hire some devs to work on an API for d*.
What do you all think?
Deleted account Tue 28 Oct 2014 4:42PM
I'd really like the idea. But publicly, wouldn't it be harmful ? People still believe that diaspora* was mess and founders left with the money. :(

Theatre-X Tue 28 Oct 2014 9:46PM
It may not work, but I'm sure as hell willing to try. We got nothing to lose really. I'm willing to put my ass on the line for a community that actually loves and appreciates me.
Rich Tue 28 Oct 2014 9:59PM
I'd back it if you were coding it.
But as mentioned, the original Kickstarter left a bad taste in the mouths of thousands (literally) of people.
Myself included.
Deleted account Tue 28 Oct 2014 10:49PM
Me too. Do you think it is publicly worth ?
If the elder wise devs say yes, I'm in.
Asher Wed 29 Oct 2014 1:49AM
From what I understand we don't have an API because the features aren’t completely nailed down. If you do do a Kickstarter I think it should be for an actual product like an iOS/Windows Phone/FirefoxOS/Android app, an API is a little too abstract for people to grok.
Deleted account Wed 29 Oct 2014 11:17AM
There already exists an application for iOS/Windows Phone/FirefoxOS/Android, based on Firefox mobile ;)

Brent Bartlett Wed 29 Oct 2014 8:14PM
On the plus side, it'll get people talking about Diaspora again! =)
I'm on the fence about this, but if we do decide to go ahead with it we should make it clear from the outset that we're a different group than the original team. Kickstarter might seem low-risk / high reward, but I believe that there's actually a lot more to it than most people think.

Florian Staudacher Thu 30 Oct 2014 11:06AM
what you must be aware of is that diaspora as a project currently has to work out its situation regarding donations as the current legal structure makes it rather complicated to pay any single person for doing something.
under these circumstances it's hard to accept donations marked for a specific purpose...
while personally I am not against the plan of a croud-funding campaign for a specific purpose it might be better to postpone it until we know more.

Theatre-X Thu 30 Oct 2014 11:17AM
@florianstaudacher Maybe I could help? I wrote the license for Nova Componere and am willing to work on such a thing.
Rich · Tue 28 Oct 2014 4:20PM
I think too many people got stung by the original Diaspora Kickstarter. I'd be surprised if anyone would ever front money to the project again.