
My housemate and I want to start a Democracy@Work group in our living room! We are thinking about having food and meeting in person to discuss Richard Wolff's books, articles, podcast, and videos. We live near the Forest Hills T stop in Jamaica Plain, Boston. Please contact me if you live in the area and are interested. We'll try to pick a day everyone can make.

Matthew Andrews (Massachusetts, delegate) Wed 18 Apr 2018 5:58PM
I tried organizing something a year ago, but there were only two or three of us and we weren't able to get new people. I am thinking about trying again in a different location. There is a shared work space called "Industry Lab" in Cambridge, where an internet services co-op (Agaric) works. I think the common space would be good for a study group. I know Agaric has hosted workshops there about platform cooperativism. Also, I am involved with the Boston Labor Solidarity Committee. Some of those folks might participate.
John Rhoads · Tue 8 Aug 2017 6:36AM
@matthewandrews Were you able to get a group going?