Membership committee
(Copy/paste from email sent to foundation mailing list)
In our statutes, it's said that the council has right to accept or not the membership.
We should create a Membership committee that would be set up for
- managing process of memberships registration.
- helping members to be active in the association and feel good in it
- manage membership renewal
- give advice to the council on how to manage particular cases (conflicts, trouble makers, non-renewal of ghosts members etc)
- protecting the association against "sabotage"
Poll Created Mon 18 Mar 2013 8:28PM
Set up Closed Thu 21 Mar 2013 8:20PM
Wayne will take up the creation
- Officialisation of membership committee
- Give the committee leader full admin power on membership related tools (mail address, mailing lists etc)
- Give Wayne the role of creating, organizing and coordinating the team, and connecting the Committee with the Council.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 8 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 5 |
8 of 13 people have participated (61%)
Raphaël Jadot
Mon 18 Mar 2013 8:31PM
If we agree, we should also think about how people join the committee. It may be fully open, or under invitation..
Wayne Sallee
Tue 19 Mar 2013 1:06PM
Yes it should (as jclvanier said) be at lest 3 people. Also it should be an odd number of people, so that there is no stalemate on deciding if a person should be a member or not.
Anurag Bhandari Tue 19 Mar 2013 2:48AM
@raphael: Membership should be fully open rather than invitational, IMO.
Raphaël Jadot Tue 19 Mar 2013 8:34AM
@anuragbhandari are you talking about membership or about the Membership Committee?
Anurag Bhandari Tue 19 Mar 2013 9:13AM
@raphael: My bad. I was talking about membership :p. But I understand now you were talking about membership committee.
João Azevedo Patrício Tue 19 Mar 2013 1:44PM
Please don't forget that only the Council can add or remove members. The work of MC is of backing up the council decision, in this sense the council will not say no to a member that MC says yes :-D I think that 3 is short, just because we have more than 3 strong communities,.
Raphaël Jadot Tue 19 Mar 2013 2:42PM
@jooazevedopatrcio so in your opinion, it should be completely open to any member of the association?
João Azevedo Patrício Tue 19 Mar 2013 2:45PM
Yes. the only criteria is to know the community and the potential members, and be a member of course
jclvanier · Mon 18 Mar 2013 8:38PM
I think it should be fully open to the members and with no less than 3 people.