Tue 7 Jul 2015 8:32AM
Questions or comments?

Please post your questions or comments here.

Helen Waldron Sat 11 Jul 2015 2:26PM
I haven't got them either.

Paul Walsh Sat 11 Jul 2015 4:20PM
I think the aim of this poll/ process is to really clarify the questions/ statements and then vote on them. That's the way Loomio is supposed to work.
In theory, if there was voting from the start - then people could just come, vote, and just leave without taking part in the discussion.

Helen Waldron Sun 12 Jul 2015 7:49PM
I don't think people always have something to say. Especially if it's already been said. Couldn't we have a prelim poll? Either that or remove the pie chart on the right which makes it look like other people can vote.
Thiago Veigga · Wed 8 Jul 2015 3:05PM
This is a more technical question. Is it just me or those 'agree' 'disagree' buttons are gone?