How to use Loomio
Welcome to Loomio, an online place to make decisions together.
This is an example discussion thread. You can add comments below. A thread is a conversation on a given topic. This thread is about how Loomio works, so post questions about that here.
You are currently reading the thread context, a space for background information. You can update it as the discussion progresses.
To get started with Loomio:
1. Upload a profile picture
2. Introduce yourself in the Welcome thread
3. Post in existing threads, or start a new one
Tips for posting on Loomio:
* To notify a specific person, type @ followed by their name.
* Click the paperclip icon to add attachments.
If you’ve got questions, check the Loomio help manual.
James Tickell
Sun 26 Feb 2017 5:05PM
Gonna go with the flow on this one
Alfred Lawrie
Sun 26 Feb 2017 5:10PM
Practice makes perfect!
Deleted account
Mon 27 Feb 2017 3:39AM
I think not all opinions were expressed.
Catherine Arend
Mon 27 Feb 2017 7:27AM
Testing testing
John Cherry Mon 27 Feb 2017 9:05AM
Sitting on the fence on this one
Catherine Arend Mon 27 Feb 2017 9:59AM
How can you easily check what the proposal is and what the deadline is?
Averil Glencross Tue 28 Feb 2017 8:02AM
My apologises I have been out of circulation. How do I see what the proposal was? I understand that I am too late to vote.
Grahame Hunter · Sun 26 Feb 2017 11:26AM
When we have a proposal, you can change your vote up until the deadline.