How we want to be with each other - Loomio Participation Guidelines

Let's use this space to align around some Participation Guidelines. Original text of discussion to be found on
Have separated the discussion Create Loomio Group Participation Guidelines, Usage and Decision Making Processes out into 3. Please use this page for discussing and proposing How we want to be with each other - Participation Guidelines
the 3 discussions:
How we want to be with each other - Loomio Pariticpation Guidelines
How we use loomio - Loomio Usage
How we make decisions - Loomio Decision Making
# Loomio Processes
x complaints by one or more members of group
in person or tele convo
bring to group
vote on loomio
Participation Guidelines: (these are from IO, for the calls; add others, your own or amend these) (The original call participation guildes can be found at:
- Be Curious and Open to Learning: Listen to and be open to hearing all points of view. Maintain a attitude of exploration and learning.
- Balance Advocacy and Inquiry: Seek to learn and understand as much as you might want to persuade. Conversations are as much about listening as it is about talking.
- Show Respect and Suspend Judgment: Setting judgments aside will enable you to learn from others and contribute to others experiencing being respected and appreciated.
- Seek Alignment rather than Agreement: Alignment is shared intention, whereas agreement is having a shared belief or opinion.
- Be Purposeful and to the Point: Notice if what you are conveying is or is not “on purpose” to the question at hand. Notice if you are making the same point more than once. Do your best to make your point quickly with honesty and depth.
- Own and Guide the Conversation or Process: Take responsibility for the quality of your participation and the quality of the work conversations by noticing what’s happening and actively support getting yourself and others back “on purpose” when needed.
- Be Excellent to Each other: Share what’s important to you. Speak authentically; from your personal and heart felt experience. Be considerate to others who are doing the same.
- Respect the subject threads: Since there's a lot of traffic here, keep the threads intact. Don't post something that mixes one thread with another. Better to refer to people, "I just posted about abc in the xyz conversation."

Jackie Fri 9 May 2014 6:37AM
oh man - trying to learn the Markdown formatting to make prettier Discussion docs. Will clean up tomorrow.

Tricia Fri 9 May 2014 10:15AM
Thank you
jemcgloin Fri 9 May 2014 3:11PM
I like it. Those are good things to think about in a group.
Enforcing them is difficult though.
One thing I've noticed is that it is not usually obvious what the actual decision is after the voting is closed. The thresholds for consensus should be clearly defined, and the resulting decision should be posted.
Also block policy has to be set.
I'm not against blocks if they are not given doomsday powers.
There should be some attempt to adjust the proposal to remove the reason for a block if possible.
I personally like 2/3 block overrides, without any promises to leave.
2/3 is a clear super majority, but not as drastic as 9/10 which lets a small number of people bring all work to a halt.
If there are a large number of blockers, the majority should probably take the hint. But if 2/3 overrule one or two blockers, that is probably close enough to consensus for most people to go with the flow.
This is the system that was used leading up to the original occupation and it made for smooth decision making, and an effective action.

NikiV Fri 9 May 2014 6:06PM
<3 u, so clear and precise way of pretty much how it is working. I would only share this thought, for me to do it, autonomy is important. I suggest that proposals only be made to the group that you are willing to do, coordinate and hold with or without the group's blessing. I think everything official or not should be included on the calendar and then anyone can ask to be reconsidered by the group at any time. those events which have visioning group consensus designated but all included along with the voting record. transparency. so people can see the issues e discussed and our process.

NikiV Fri 9 May 2014 6:07PM
<3 u, so clear and precise way of pretty much how it is working. I would only share this thought, for me to do it, autonomy is important. I suggest that proposals only be made to the group that you are willing to do, coordinate and hold with or without the group's blessing. I think everything official or not should be included on the calendar and then anyone can ask to be reconsidered by the group at any time. those events which have visioning group consensus designated but all included along with the voting record. transparency. so people can see the issues e discussed and our process.

Tricia Fri 9 May 2014 6:18PM
Do we need a process for adding new members?
Julia Clark Fri 9 May 2014 6:18PM
I agree blocks should not have doomsday powers. I have no doubt there will be things I strongly object to but should not be killed.

Jackie Fri 9 May 2014 7:11PM
I don't think so @triciafromphilly - I think it should be open to all who want to help organize, coordinate, plan. Haven't looked at the description in a while, but as long as it is clear this is a working group and not general discussion group, we should be good. If there are disruptions, trolls, etc, we'll follow the guidelines we decide.
Just saw this again in an email today and thought of Occupy synchronicity. It seems whenever one group is deeply involved in a discussion, it comes up in other places at the same time. it's that hive thing we do.
B. Commitment to Conflict Resolution & Accountability
Sea Sat 10 May 2014 12:39AM
Regarding the Block: Sacramento GA has had a tortured history. I thought the idea of blocking was not a good idea. However I learned Blocks can help.
For a Block to help the group and not just be disruptive, the Blocker must really know the issues and the positions of each person and also must know the members generally and have a track-record of being involved in the particular issue, without being disruptive.
The key thing, though, the Blocker must expect to be very strongly opposed. So if one isn't well prepared, only trouble insues. I think if we're going to Block we should have a very strong upper-hand, like Hillary had when Republicans thought they could bully her over the Bengazi incident.
Sea · Fri 9 May 2014 6:21AM
Imagine a circle.