Should we do food, and what sort?
Ideally we should have food, I think. But this is the thing that could potentially be the most work and we don't want anyone to get swamped with this. I am not going to have time to be mainly responsible. Anyone want this responsibility? We could do instant pizzas in the pizza oven, maybe with a simple salad. We have one person so far who has said they would like to help specifically with food. Anyone else? We need to set our ambitions according to the people-power we end up having. Ideally we would know how much food to plan to produce, which is difficult to know unless we ask people to let us know in advance if they want to eat. Or we could just get not much. Or alternatively, we could just say, everyone lives nearby, it is easy for people to have eaten at home - let's concentrate on providing music and drink.
Poll Created Sun 30 Nov 2014 5:30PM
We should have food, at the bare minimum ready made pizza Closed Wed 3 Dec 2014 5:04PM
We are doing Pizza! This kills two birds with one stone - easy food and child entertainment (they can make their own).
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 3 |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 4 |
3 of 7 people have participated (42%)
Sandra von Hutj Mon 1 Dec 2014 4:10PM
Hur skulle det funka att anställa en cateringfirma? Jag vet inte hur det ekonomiska läget ser ut...
Malena von Huth Mon 1 Dec 2014 9:53PM
Bra fråga. Han har inte sagt någonting om hur festen ska finansieras...Ställ frågan i Loomio.
måndag 1 december 2014 skrev Sandra von Hutj (Loomio) :
Hur skulle det funka att anställa en cateringfirma? Jag vet inte hur det ekonomiska läget ser ut…
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Ben Kenward Tue 2 Dec 2014 8:24AM
If we know how many people are coming in advance, catering could be a possibility.
There is no budget: we just need to aim to break even by charging cost price food booze and food. Booze is no problem there, we just aim to get too much because you can always return booze to systemet. Not so food.
Basically the main decision we need to make is whether or not to ask people to commit in advance to buying food. For example we can sell food tickets. That would be the only way to make catering work. I still think organising that might be more work than the alternative.
The alternative is doing our own very simple food which is so cheap that even if we don't sell it all, it would still be a very small loss, which we can cover by making money on the bar. E.g. instant pizzas.
Any other ideas?
Malena von Huth Tue 2 Dec 2014 11:21AM
I think you are right. Your second alternative is the best. Pizza, sallad and snacks. We don't have time to ask people in advance.
tisdag 2 december 2014 skrev Ben Kenward (Loomio) :
If we know how many people are coming in advance, catering could be a possibility.
There is no budget: we just need to aim to break even by charging cost price food booze and food. Booze is no problem there, we just aim to get too much because you can always return booze to systemet. Not so food.
Basically the main decision we need to make is whether or not to ask people to commit in advance to buying food. For example we can sell food tickets. That would be the only way to make catering work. I still think organising that might be more work than the alternative.
The alternative is doing our own very simple food which is so cheap that even if we don’t sell it all, it would still be a very small loss, which we can cover by making money on the bar. E.g. instant pizzas.
Any other ideas?
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Sofie Carlström Thu 4 Dec 2014 6:57AM
Jag fixar gärna med maten (pizza mm) så om någon vill vara min pizza-partner är jag tacksam för hjälp annars får min man hjälpa till!
Ben Kenward Thu 4 Dec 2014 2:24PM
Tack så mycket Sofie!
Jag tror på att vi hittar flera som vill hjälpa, jag hjälpa gärna till lite själv men kan inte fokusera på det. Jag ser hur många anmälningar vi har fått närmare tiden, gör en uppskattning på hur mycket som behövs, och gör en budget och inköp. Behåll gärna tid ledig på dagen den 20/12 så att det finns tid för inköp.
Ben Kenward Thu 4 Dec 2014 2:28PM
Jag har en idé att vi skulle kunna låta folk bygga egna pizzor om vi kör med din idé att köpa färdig degplattor och sås och andra ingredienser Sofie. Barn skulle säkert tycker det var kul. Det är viktigt att vi testa ugnen. Jag tänker träffas med Bengt för att göra det någon dag när jag jobbar hemma. Om någon annan vill vara med på det låt mig veta.
Sofie Carlström Thu 4 Dec 2014 7:02PM
Toppen! Det låter roligt!!
Malena von Huth · Mon 1 Dec 2014 2:08PM