Mon 15 Dec 2014 7:44PM
Mass Pride
Massachusetts has great things going on. All too often national press - and we ourselves sometimes - forget that. We need to be proud of our history of innovation and celebrate the innovation happening today.
Create a coordinated marketing campaign to promote Massachusetts created tech-based products to the public and promote available government resources to the tech sector.
Lobby TechCrunch and other industry news sources to have offices in Massachusetts.
Government should nurture tech companies through every growth stage, from incubators to startups and throughout their expansion. This assistance should be available to all companies, large and small.
David Perelman · Wed 18 Mar 2015 3:13PM
This campaign is an important part of solving the innovation economy problem. The core of this message is we want start ups and technology companies to operate locally in Massachsuetts so they can employ all of the great talent living in the Commonwealth. I see the proposed solution in terms of how we get there tying into several other agenda items that the InnovateMA Alliance has brought to the table, such as simplifying small business interactions with local and state government and creating a startup Czar. Other important facets of the discussion include real estate development for businesses and ways of bolstering the available talent pool, (I.e Immigration Reform.)