Say hello to the rest of the group: who are you? Maybe you can name your affiliations: are you a member of any crews or congregations? What's your intention for joining this group?
Cait Fri 26 Feb 2021 5:47PM
Hi all, I'm Cait from Bristol in the UK. I really appreciate Rich's curation, development and articulation of ideas! And have benefitted a lot from his and Nati's wisdom on running decentralised orgs. I'm very excited by/interested in collaborative systems building, drawing on the work of Miki Kashtan & Roxy Manning, Dominic Barter, the Quakers, sociocracy and others. I work in a Bristol-based co-op that uses sociocracy and am currently supporting a housing co-op in the UK to collaboratively build a more restorative way of responding to conflict
I'm also experimenting with this stuff at home, where we pool resources and use things like empathy circles and convergent faciltiation to chat through tensions or solve tricky problems collectively. Me and colleages/housemates are learning so much as we go and it's very inspiring to be involved in this field of exploration!
All of this also feeds beautifully into my Buddhist practice as I learn more about myself through this work with others. I'm learning how to better listen to and regulate my nervous sytem (and thinking about how to collectivise or network-up nervous system regulation practices) so that I can bring more capacity to the systems I'm part of (and enjoy life more, let's be honest)... In groups I am learning more and more about the importance of feedback and how to deliver that in a way where it's more likely to be heard and to see my own tendancies to want to make myself or others wrong or right in the face of tensions/conflict.
I'm keen to connect with others who are interested in these fields of enquiry, to keep learnings and to see where it takes us.
Callan Rowe Wed 17 Feb 2021 5:03AM
Hey Folks, I'm Cal from Melbourne. Came across Microsolidarity recently, and had one of those moments where you find someone who is saying what you've been thinking, but in a much clearer and articulate way then you've been thinking. I work in co-design mainly and am in the process of applying for a PhD to explore co-design for social connection.
I'm keen to connect or be part of any Congregations happening in Melbourne (or the same time zone).
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Hansi Herzog Thu 14 Jan 2021 9:40AM
Hey everybody!
I am Hansi Herzog, 32 years-old from Austria!
Since over 10 years I am moving in the fields of community, self-organization, networking and collaboration for sustainable development. I have been part of many different peer-group settings and just recently came across Richards work regarding Micro-Solidarity-Groups (MSG).
After a chat with Richard and getting to know Anna-Marie I finally landed in the loomio group to connect with you as the MSG-Community! Great to be here :)
On the 01.01.2021 my organization CoCreate launched the campaign "Global Co-Creation Challenge", aiming to unite the world community to co-create a "good life for all". Based on our Ecosystem-Model we follow a strategic process to connect the "Global Solutions Ecosystem".
If you would to be part of an amazing adventure, check out:
So I am here to learn more about MSG but also to ask for your support!
For driving the "Global Co-Creation Challenge" we are in the process of setting up MSGs as well as specific CoCreate-Workinggroups. And we need your support as MSG-Enthusiasts, Host, Facilitators, Community Builders, etc.!!! There are many people out there longing for hope through deeper connection
and we need people like you, able to holding space for them and empower them to holding space for their own communities!
So please, get in contact with me and let's find ways how you can support Me and CoCreate to make a huge impact in realizing a "good life for all"! |

Albert K Sun 20 Dec 2020 8:00PM
Hello! I'm a working class art maker, community builder, organizer, game designer, carpenter, solidarity economy booster. Inspired by community spaces that I've been in and helped strengthen, when I moved back to my hometown, a small river seated college town, I wanted to integrate myself into the community here through creative spaces and art. We started a community based out of hosting arts events in our house that consists of a few dozen floating members and a larger network of people who hear about stuff but don't show up too much.
As I began studying solidarity economy frameworks and thinking more about communities of spirit and growth, we started to ask questions about creative approaches to densely knit networks. This past year, we've been launching and participating in projects of direct material support:
a 12 member yogurt making coop (everyone takes turns cooking in their kitchens with local dairy and distributing to other members)
a network of ~4 person "help pods" (each person publishes a to-do list of requests, and we do 1 thing for each person about once/week)
a meals coop of 8-16 people (rotating roles cooking a take-out meal for the rest of the group)
a spiritual/inner reflection school that rotates facilitators leading the shared exploration each week
a nascent housing coop founding group
I'm inspired by the intention and tools that come out of this exploration. I'm really interested in the practice of building congregations rather than letting these projects stagnate at the level of one-off pods that are vulnerable to dying off if, say, a handful of members leave. I am looking forward to learning and sharing lessons, especially towards cooperation that fulfills our material needs in a joyful and empowering way while simultaneously satisfying needs for connection and growth.
I envision these tools, networks, and congregations being available for all types of people, especially the working class, to collectively spread the burden of living in the crisis of capitalism as we know it now and create the space for people to build robust, beautiful alternatives.
Deleted account Thu 17 Dec 2020 8:50PM
Alohha. I'm into living with friends, campfire jam sessions and cold water dips in the sunshine. I am actively seeking opportunities to squad up and experiment with the tools and techniques I am learning through micro-solidarity and adjacent forums.
My most unique passion is freestyle rap and spoken word as a practice for enabling group flow and building trust in community. I currently facilitate Sunday's at The Stoa (
Pre-covid, I organized and co-hosted about a dozen community building retreats (20 - 60 attendees) based on a blend of radical honesty, authentic relating, self-organizing, music-making, outdoor adventure and other social experimentation.
I am aiming toward forming a cooperative of group flow facilitators that co-create team-building offerings, virtual events and digital content around group flow. I imagine a space where my freestyle facilitation can fit in to an ecology of flow practices and where we can also support one another in our solo practices and offerings.
Something like that! If you think it's worthwhile for us to connect on these subjects, email me!

Scott Stembridge Fri 18 Dec 2020 8:09AM
Good to meet you mate, and thanks for the recommendation. Will definitely be diving into it. Cheers!
Deleted account Thu 17 Dec 2020 8:55PM
Hey Scott! Good stuff. I am also interested in regenerative communities. I've been working with Future Thinkers on their Smart Village project. The work of Mark Frazier, and his book Founding Startup Societies might be of interest. Lots of good info and practical advice for bootstrapping tiny house communities.

Scott Stembridge Wed 16 Dec 2020 11:26PM
Hello there, I'm an impact business consultant living in Wanaka NZ. Also passionately interested in regenerative communities, and living system design.
I'm a member of a tiny house trust looking to form a local TH community village, and am part of a collective of social entrepreneurs who are helping local social enterprises and businesses who wish to put impact at the heart of what they do.
I came across microsolidarity from another member of our social enterprise collective, it peaked my interest, especially as we use sociocracy as the way we govern ourselves. I'm keen to dive in and learn more about what appears to be a natural fit for the way I want to do life and business.
I look forward to getting to know more of you.
Alex Barnes · Sat 4 Dec 2021 2:25PM
Hello from Alex in Toronto!
Jarred Filmer recommended your community to me. I met him through one or more of:
Effective Altruism
Complexity Weekend
Regeneration Pollination
Systems Innovation
It's great to be here! Please let me know how I can be of service / who I can connect you with / what I can do to encourage co-operation and community building / etc.