The objectives of Occupy Democracy
We are using this space to refine the wording of the objectives of Occupy Democracy based on what was already decided by GA at Parliament Square. Anyone can participate.
People Before Profit
• No Privatisation of the NHS
• Programme of Green Social Housing
• Close down Tax Havens
• No TTIP CETA & TISA trade deals
• Abolish Tuition Fees
• Living Wage for All
• Universal Basic Income
• No to privatisation of all public services, including but not limited to schools, police, public transport and public spaces
• Reverse Privatisation of Public Spaces
Environment Before Profit
• Ban Fracking & Invest in Renewable Energy
• New Green Deal including One Million Climate Jobs
Democracy Before Profit
• Reform of Party funding & lobbying and ensure full transparency
• Reform and Democratise the City of London Corporation and end the role of Rembrancer
• Introduce Proportional Representation
• MPs not to have second jobs
• Close the “revolving door” [between government and corporations]
• Oppose corporate secondment *
• On entering the Houses of Parliament members must divest themselves of all financial interests and this must be subject to credible oversight*
• Major democratic reform of the media in order to break the stranglehold of the media by vested interests
• Hold a citizen-led Constitutional Convention for real democracy which must recognise that a Constitution is a living document.

Vica Fri 7 Nov 2014 4:09PM
Would be good to have the text of the objectives posted above so we know where we are starting from. Not sure which was the agreed draft in the end.

andria Fri 7 Nov 2014 4:18PM
I think I just posted them to the other list here on Loomio, U want them here also?

andria Fri 7 Nov 2014 4:19PM
People Before Profit
• No Privatisation of the NHS
• Programme of Green Social Housing
• Close down Tax Havens
• No TTIP CETA & TISA trade deals
• Abolish Tuition Fees
• Living Wage for All
• Universal Basic Income
• No to privatisation of all public services, including but not limited to schools, police, public transport and public spaces
• Reverse Privatisation of Public Spaces
Environment Before Profit
• Ban Fracking & Invest in Renewable Energy
• New Green Deal including One Million Climate Jobs
Democracy Before Profit
• Reform of Party funding & lobbying and ensure full transparency
• Reform and Democratise the City of London Corporation and end the role of Rembrancer
• Introduce Proportional Representation
• MPs not to have second jobs
• Close the “revolving door” [between government and corporations]
• Oppose corporate secondment *
• On entering the Houses of Parliament members must divest themselves of all financial interests and this must be subject to credible oversight*
• Major democratic reform of the media in order to break the stranglehold of the media by vested interests
• Hold a citizen-led Constitutional Convention for real democracy which must recognise that a Constitution is a living document.

Vica Fri 7 Nov 2014 4:51PM
Thanks Andria. I've added it at the top so we don't loose them in the discussion.
Phil England Fri 7 Nov 2014 5:03PM
If you are discussing "demands" here, someone will need to start a new thread for "media messaging" which is a different thing.
Also, for those not at Saturday's meeting, there was quite a lot of warmth for focussing on democratic demands rather than spending too much time elaborating an overarching policy platform. So you may or may not want to bear that in mind.

John Sinha Fri 7 Nov 2014 5:33PM
I think these are demands not objectives. They key objective is to build a mass movement for real democracy now by campaigning to remove corporate influence from our political system. We do this by making the simple point that Parliament does not represent us. There is no democratic mandate for the laws enabling NHS privatisation. It is approving laws that nobody voted and for which there is no support.
Saeeda Bukhari Fri 7 Nov 2014 5:49PM
@johnsinha It would be great if you articulate the high level Occupy Democracy objective in a separate discussion? Go to the home page where they are all listed and we can all refine it.
@andria I think the demands need to be on separate threads. Each seperate as they are each a topic of their own. If you agree I can set this up because I think its a bit of work.
I would subject head it Demand: x so its distinct from Objectives
Oops I just realised that this was the discussion for the objective? So @johnsinha how would you articulate it fully
Saeeda Bukhari Fri 7 Nov 2014 6:22PM
@phil_england I will create the Media Messaging thread, we decided that the media groups would trial loomio and then bring the results to the meeting but I think its got all a bit out of hand. I will also have a look at your permissions so you have admin permissions
@phil_england. I have experimented a bit and think it would be best to create a media subgroup. It allows the option that everybody can see the discussion and some people are members. I looked at your permissions and you have coordinator permission so you could create it and also add the people in the media group to it. I don't know who is in the media group so don't know who to add.

andria Sat 8 Nov 2014 1:50AM
Our job was to improve/refine the messaging of OD. I was just bringing the "messaging" we already have on the OD website here for refinement
Separate threads? Why? This is really just an editing job as opposed to discuss and add, i.e less words (possibly ) rather than more
My understanding was that it might be a good idea to get the above into a bullet point leafelt to give to the public/newcomers to OD
Phil England · Fri 7 Nov 2014 3:55PM
Is this the discussion around 'key messages' for media purposes?