Spaces & Bedz
Decision has been made
Who made the decision: Fran
When was the decision made: 06.12.21
Decision summary: No beds will be allocated during memberships sale. Membership = entry. Once all memberships sold, Camps will form. Camps can adopt a pre-existing space. Wider membership will decide which Camps occupy which spaces based on proposals. Camp members will then decide how to use the beds in their adopted space between themselves.
Tension & Scope
There are a limited number of existing indoor spaces available on site, and we need to decide how they will be used. This will affect all members - we need to balance the need for cosy spaces to socialise in, with the need for indoor sleeping spaces for those without their own setups. There are not enough beds for 100-115 members even if we use all the existing structures as sleeping spaces. So how should we allocate indoor spaces & thus beds?
Presuming we are able to cancel the 2 additional luxory yurts to keep memberships affordable, the pre-existing spaces on site and the number of potential sleeping spots within them is as follows:
No. of ROOMS |
Large family yurt |
1 |
6 |
7 (floor space) |
Esk's Crofter's Cottage |
1 |
4 |
5 (floor + couch) |
Annan Crofter's Cottage |
1 |
6 |
7 (couch) |
Nith Barn |
2 |
8 |
12 (bedroom floors) |
Family yurt |
1 |
4 |
6 (floor space) |
Couple's yurt |
1 |
2 |
3 (floor space) |
Celtic Roundhouse |
1 |
16 |
16 |
46 |
56 |
I propose we do not allocate beds at all. Instead, membership buys you entry into the event. Once all memberships have been sold, Camps begin / are invited to form. Camps can propose adopting X space. The wider membership decides which Camps will inhabit which pre-existing spaces based on the proposals. Once Camp+Space allocations have finished, Camp members decide between themselves how to use the beds in their adopted space.
It's a more decentralised way of allocating beds
Feels more 'fair' - Camps will be expected to offer something back to the community in the space they adopt. Members decide which Camps get the spaces themselves. 60% of members (hopefully) won't feel disgruntled about paying for someone else's bedroom, since they'll also benefit from the spaces via joining a Camp, or enjoying the offerings of a Camp
Burners are generally pretty good at self-reliance, and it's unusual for indoor sleeping spaces to be provided in the first place. Many people won't want to sleep communally anyway, and will have their own setup, be it a tent, van etc.
That's it - now what do you think?
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 3:41PM
Apart from a marquee, the above list is all the spaces. The kitchen is in a Barn (Nith I think). So allocating 4 extra sleeping spaces in that living room might actually be unadvisable, if people will be going in/out to use the kitchen everyday.
There does, however, look to be floor space in Nith bedrooms, so I'll edit that on the spreadsheet in the proposal
Emily H Thu 2 Dec 2021 3:49PM
Hm ye defs think we should avoid assigning sleeping spaces next to the kitchen - that will likely get noisy esp if people want to sleep in and others are cooking breakfast!
-- in that case I am defs in agreement that we should keep a large space as a communal space with no beds

Sam Lee Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:20PM
Agree about roundhouse. I'm not sure it's been floated as a sleeping space.
I do like the idea of burer radical self reliance for warm sleeping areas and it probably would work, I would guess that there would be less than 50 wanting it.
My membership proposal negates the need for a "do you get a bed" lottery though in that only e.g. 40 people who state a hard bed preference would get a membership. Who's way is more inclusive? Whos way is less work?
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:40PM
I see, thought I'd seen 55 as the number of beds to be allocated! I see your point... mulling!
Emily H Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:23PM
A few more thoughts after mulling on this info particularly that this is the full list of spaces. On one hand - it'll likely be cold and we don't want people sleeping cold! BUT - importantly - it may be miserable weather and we don't want people to just huddle in their sleeping spaces.
Yes, we can hope that extra structures will be brought - but as a note, we can't actually have too many of them added or we will not have enough space for tents as slepeing spaces.
I think we should prioritise having multiple firm structures as communal spaces. Defs the roundhouse as the main space and as many others as we can spare. Perhaps the smaller yurts? If we end up keeping the other yurts, those as well?
Being able to be indoors and properly warm up will also make the sleeping outdoors experience much more bearable - not the same as camping fully outdoors. Hot water bottles are an option, and in a sheltered space with potential for communal cooking the type of equipment that needs bringing is much less extreme than wild camping or something like that.
As for allocation (just seen Sam's comment) - I would go for 1. tick if you want a bed followed by 2. a lottery if there are more bed requests than beds. It is less inclusive perhaps (there could be a private category for those with access needs, I think that is a different conversation) -- but first come first serve also has issues, and lottery will be completely impartial/anonymous
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:34PM
This is very true - we'll spend more time socialising than sleeping, so I'd be very down with 'saving' more than just the roundhouse as a social space, e.g. 1-2 yurts. I am biased though because I have my own setup.
I have another idea...
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:37PM
ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL...a little more 'out there'
We could scrap bed allocation at this point entirely. Membership buys you membership to the event. Spaces are adopted by theme camps. Theme campers decide how to allocate the beds themselves 👀
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 4:56PM
Fleshing this out a bit...
Abandoning bed allocation and replacing with 'Adopt a Space':
Memberships get you into the event, the standard way
Once memberships sold, Theme Camps begin to form and propose adopting X space (maybe on Dreams platform...?)
The community could then decide which theme camps adopt a pre-existing space
All the structures are fairly self-sufficient, with benefits beyond a place to sleep (e.g. a fire and shower). If Theme Camps adopt them, they'd pretty much be obliged to offer something back to the community, and in return some of their members get a place to sleep
Since we are only 100 people, provided members band together to actually create theme camps / propose to adopt a space for X, Y or Z, there'd be enough opportunities for people to join and it doesn't have to become cliquey or exclusive (as it can at larger burns where there's sometimes more burners than camps)
This is a more decentralised way of allocating beds. Whether we follow Sam's or my initial proposal (above), some members having a wee house to themselves and others not will feel unfair for some
The more I think about it, the more I like it. Editing initial proposal!
Emily H Thu 2 Dec 2021 5:29PM
i am super on board with this new proposal
Emily H · Thu 2 Dec 2021 3:35PM
Much agreed! I think communal spaces are essential and we don't want to end up with a situation where it is miserable weather and people are noisy in the sleeping spaces as they have nowhere else warm to hang - plus we need places to bring people together and do activities.
Can I just check - what other indoor spaces besides sleeping spaces are available? There is a cooking area, right? Is there anything else? I guess we will likely bring some structures and create / support relevant dreams but it may be advisable to leave some spaces for indoor chillin that are not dependant on additional structures being brought