Fri 22 Jun 2018 3:22AM

Return to Code of Conduct

MN Matt Noyes Public Seen by 17

It has been decided that the Code of Conduct proposed on June 18th should be revised and a new version submitted to the membership for approval. This thread is for discussion of revisions to the Code of Conduct.
The proposed code of conduct is here:
Version 2.1 https://pad.disroot.org/p/Social.Coop_Code_of_Conduct_V2.1#

(version 2.0 -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YNXdnDTRz897rXRHoTGwaeoFfZI7-_cwplF2qvy-W8Q/edit#)

Draft Reporting Guidelines are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pZTXsGuWNTe5X6z_DytJZTbjOyJUT4HlvPPnfmbuPEw/edit


Matt Noyes Sun 24 Jun 2018 5:14AM

Maybe it would help to copy and paste them into the CoC and Reporting Guidelines drafts?


Robert Benjamin Sun 24 Jun 2018 5:27AM

Maybe a stand alone reference doc would be better. That way it doesn't become the sole focus of the revisions. There are many others who weren't part of the previous iterations that may come to weigh in and they should be afforded the ability to interface with the drafts as they stand (or as they progress depending on their timing).


Stephanie Jo Kent Sat 23 Jun 2018 6:42PM

I agree with @edsummers that it would be constructive and "useful to see a summary of the issues with the current draft that came up in previous discussion, and which prompted the revision."

Thanks Ed, for being willing to review and collect those sentiments, suggestions, critiques, etc.

I have served on the Code of Conduct development committee for professional American Sign Language interpreters. Not sure if that'll be particularly relevant; just disclosing. Boundaries are a big deal in terms of respecting autonomy, individuality, cultural differences etc, knowing when to mediate (leave it be for interactants to work through or help with reframing or some other repair strategy), and when discipline is needed (holding the line on the permissability/impermissability of a particular behavior).


Robert Benjamin Sun 24 Jun 2018 4:52AM

Thank you. Seems very relevant and glad to have your contributions to the process.


Stephanie Jo Kent Sat 23 Jun 2018 6:48PM

The thread on Content Warnings may be relevant? https://www.loomio.org/d/d8zrZIVb/content-warnings-anonymous-poll


Stephanie Jo Kent Sat 23 Jun 2018 6:58PM

Also, I see that @mayel mentioned something happening in a thread on Block and Abstain....I can't locate that thread; not sure how it ties in to CoC (except in a general way)...?


Stephanie Jo Kent Wed 27 Jun 2018 5:08PM

Hi all -- where we at? I have a bunch of notes that I gleaned from some previous threads. @edsummers are you gathering something similar?

I'm wondering if the Code should begin with a kind of disclaimer ... e.g.,

"We've sought to anticipate areas of concern and have provided clear guidelines for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior within social coop/mastodon. We expect that things will arise which we have not foreseen or which we have not yet clarified the boundaries. Please be advised that if you post something deemed questionable and NOT already covered, there will be an open (?) process using your posting as the flashpoint for defining appropriate/inappropriate behavior."


Ed Summers @edsu Wed 27 Jun 2018 5:43PM

Hi Stephanie -- since I haven't participated in the discussions I didn't feel comfortable trying to characterize them. But I'm glad you have posted them as comments to the doc, that's the perfect place!


Stephanie Jo Kent Wed 27 Jun 2018 5:50PM

Ah, @edsummers I see your additional comment. I disagree, however! We need outside eyeballs on the process and construction, not just insiders :)


Stephanie Jo Kent Wed 27 Jun 2018 5:30PM


Stephanie Jo Kent Wed 27 Jun 2018 5:48PM


Matt Noyes Thu 28 Jun 2018 7:38PM

Hi Stephanie! Great to see your comments. I was talking with Manuela and she suggested setting up a call so we can get back in motion on this. Your comments are helpful for getting us started up again.


Poll Created Thu 28 Jun 2018 7:45PM

Phone chat about Code of Conduct process Closed Sun 8 Jul 2018 2:03AM

by Matt Noyes Sun 8 Jul 2018 2:07AM

The best time for our chat about the Code of Conduct has been determined.

A 90min about figuring out the best process from A: were we currently are with the CoC and B: where we need to get to in order to go fully operational.
(If none of the times work, feel free to add options -- you can do that at the bottom of the poll.)
Dates/times listed are for your local time zone. ;-)


Mon  9 Jul 2018  2:00PM
Mon  9 Jul 2018  4:00PM
Mon  9 Jul 2018  9:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018  3:00AM
Tue 10 Jul 2018  2:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018  5:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018  9:00PM
Wed 11 Jul 2018  3:00AM
Fri 13 Jul 2018  2:00PM
Fri 13 Jul 2018  4:00PM
Fri 13 Jul 2018  9:00PM
Sat 14 Jul 2018  3:00AM

8 of 26 people have participated (30%)


Stephanie Jo Kent Thu 28 Jun 2018 8:02PM

Mon 9 Jul 2018 2:00PM
Mon 9 Jul 2018 4:00PM
Mon 9 Jul 2018 9:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 5:00PM
Wed 11 Jul 2018 3:00AM

I'm trusting that Loomio adjusted the times for my geographic location, right?


Manuela Bosch Thu 28 Jun 2018 8:54PM

Mon 9 Jul 2018 2:00PM
Mon 9 Jul 2018 4:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 2:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 5:00PM
Fri 13 Jul 2018 2:00PM
Fri 13 Jul 2018 4:00PM

I did not vote for the for me very early or very late times (5am and 11pm), but if the majority here chooses them, I would try to make them happen.


Simon Grant Thu 28 Jun 2018 10:26PM

Mon 9 Jul 2018 2:00PM
Mon 9 Jul 2018 4:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 2:00PM

Sorry this is a really tricky week for me, but I would very much like to participate in future weeks. Don't worry if you leave me out this time, I'll contribute on the thread.


Robert Benjamin Tue 3 Jul 2018 5:02PM

Mon 9 Jul 2018 4:00PM
Mon 9 Jul 2018 9:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 5:00PM
Tue 10 Jul 2018 9:00PM

This call is to discuss the process to bring this draft of the CoC through correct? Not to dive into the particulars of the CoC?


Simon Grant Thu 28 Jun 2018 10:38PM

Hello -- I'm new to this thread and indeed to the community working group. I'm drawn to this thread through deep interest and experience in governance as well as wellbeing, and their interaction. I would be delighted to see something restorative being put together (or, following Enspiral "transformative") which did not have an "offender" being "punished" with "exclusion" as an end point, but with a healing process that, if at all possible, brought any one who strays back into the fold, with acceptance and some joy. Sure, as a starting point we need quick and decisive actions to prevent harm from proliferating. It's what we do after that, short term and longer term, that matters dearly to me. Simple permanent exclusion heals nothing. What does heal? What brings people back into connection, so that their contribution can again be valued? Or see it another way: what do we imagine as the context of the Code of Conduct?


Aaron Wolf Fri 29 Jun 2018 12:01AM

Yeah, I'm the one that brought up Restorative Justice, a movement I learned about recently but embrace deeply. The details and concepts aren't that simple, but it's far more human than bureaucratic. https://restorativejustice.org/ seems to be the best resource though I don't like their site design (makes it hard to get to the meat of it).

I'd like to see those values fully worked into this (and I don't think any CoC has done that yet).


Matt Noyes Fri 29 Jun 2018 5:56AM

Aaron, can you be on the call?


Matt Noyes Fri 29 Jun 2018 5:58AM

@meltheadorable Can you make the phone call?


Stephanie Jo Kent Sat 7 Jul 2018 4:05PM

Ya’all—what’s happening with the phone call? @mattnoyes


Matt Noyes Sat 7 Jul 2018 4:31PM

Looks like our best time is probably the third slot on June 9th, given that Aaron and Melody are both available and have played important roles in the discussion. If there are no objections today, I will post that outcome. @manuelabosch any possibility of that slot for you?


Manuela Bosch Sun 8 Jul 2018 12:32AM

Hi all. Matt N. and I talked about running this call to develop a proposal for a process on how to bring the CoC to a point to go operational. So it's about figuring out together a good way on how to further work on this. It's not to work on CoC itself!

I propose to structure the call as follows. It's how I usually work with groups to figure out solutions everyone can agree on. I am open to do it differently, too.
Arrival & CHECK-IN Round (10min)
1: RECAP What do we already have achieved? What are the current complex questions? (10min)
2: VISION: Collecting ideas on how run/finish this process best. (20min)
3: FOCUS/TASKS: Sorting, prioritizing the ideas (20min)
4: Discuss STEPS/TIMELINE (25min)
CHECK-OUT (5min)

Would be great if someone could prepare 1: Recap and send it around before the call. Who would like to do that?
I would prepare facilitation as proposed, if I hear no concerns.
We can use this Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/9237018313
For the time of the call: yes, we can go for the third option on Monday 9th, it will be late for me, 11pm, I hope I am still fit enough :-)


Poll Created Sun 8 Jul 2018 1:21AM

Code of Conduct Zoom chat Closed Tue 10 Jul 2018 5:02AM

We will be meeting on Monday, June 9th, at 10:00am (MDT) 16:00 (UTC) 01:00 (Tokyo)... https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20180709&p1=398&p2=248&p3=136&p4=248&p5=215&p6=111

Please indicate if you will participate. See the proposed agenda here: https://www.loomio.org/d/BZD354ne/return-to-code-of-conduct/48


Results Option Voters
No 2 RB NS

8 of 26 people have participated (30%)


Aaron Wolf
Sun 8 Jul 2018 3:50AM

I will need to push to get through earlier routines but should make it. Side note: "UMT" confused me, that's not a standard acronym. The standard is called UTC.

Vote removed

Manuela Bosch
Sun 8 Jul 2018 8:52AM

looking forward.


Michele Kipiel
Sun 8 Jul 2018 11:07AM

If by 16.00UMT you mean 16.00UTC (ie. 18CEST) then I can make it :)


Robert Benjamin
Mon 9 Jul 2018 6:52AM

Might be able to make the later portion of the call.


Stephanie Jo Kent
Mon 9 Jul 2018 12:06PM

Just tried to connect but no one is on the call—I may be confused about the time. Am traveling; not as free as I had hoped


Manuela Bosch Sun 8 Jul 2018 8:51AM

6 PM Berlin Time ist it. Great. Just in case here again the Zoom link where we meet: https://zoom.us/j/9237018313


Michele Kipiel Sun 8 Jul 2018 11:07AM

Shouldn't that be JULY 9th? :) Also, 16 UTC seems doable I'll do my best to be home by that time.


Matt Noyes Mon 9 Jul 2018 3:08PM

June 9th UMT = July 9th UTC (!!)


Matt Noyes Mon 9 Jul 2018 3:09PM

Stephanie, sorry for the confusion. The call is 50 minutes from now, at 16:00 UTC. Hope you can join.


Matt Noyes Mon 9 Jul 2018 4:12PM

Code of Conduct chat live now: https://zoom.us/j/9237018313


Aaron Wolf Mon 9 Jul 2018 6:29PM

Sorry I missed the call, lost track of time in morning routine! :slight_frown:


Matt Noyes Tue 10 Jul 2018 5:04AM

We missed you but will soon be in touch...