Fri 29 Nov 2019 12:22AM

Economic/Monetary Model for the collective

SS Sid Sthalekar Public Seen by 54

Not sure this has been discussed before, but posting just in case.

Any thoughts on the monetary model for the collective? I'm guessing each sub-group maintain revenues and invoicing for their own micro-services/DNA. There might be merit in combining them if we're pooling efforts for marketing, outreach for apps and funding.


jean m russell Mon 9 Dec 2019 11:31PM

It might be useful to come up with some scenarios? How do you want to handle referrals and especially if those are intertwined? Is this a funding event or a service event? If there is a dependency on a micro-service of another project, how is that treated? Am I off here on generating what kinds of financial interactions to cover?


Sid Sthalekar Mon 23 Dec 2019 5:39AM

@Jean Russell both funding and service events. I brought it up because I imagine our conversations will be inter-twined. I also think we've all been part of collectives where collaborative efforts lose momentum beyond a point because of inadequate formal feedback loops.
I can think of a system where reputational (+ monetary?) rewards are used to facilitate this collaboration on a sustained basis. I'd love to push this thread further.