Wed 19 Feb 2014 9:21PM
The CCANZ Website

Like all websites, is in need of a refresh now and then. Recently, we removed a lot of the text from the front page, to make it easier to understand what CCANZ is and does. We are currently re-writing the licences section, as well as most other static pages on the site.
I have some ideas, which I'll share in the thread over the next few weeks. Is there anything that you think needs to change? Is there anything you would like to add?

Matt McGregor Wed 16 Apr 2014 10:41PM
We've made some changes to the website, which you can see here:
Mark Osborne · Fri 21 Feb 2014 8:18AM
I like the 'less is more' aproach to text. I think there are enough pointers and visual cues to ensure people get to where they want to go. I do like.