Wed 3 Mar 2021 1:06PM

New UK Democracy Resources (launching tomorrow)

JM James Moulding Public Seen by 219

Afternoon, everyone. I’m helping to kick off a weekly ‘democracy sector’ meetup: Thursday afternoons at 2pm, where we jot down and share news, plans and updates. Half an hour max, bish bash bosh.

Add a calendar reminder, or see the doc we’ll be working in, here: https://democracymeetup.org.uk/

We’re also starting up a moderated email discussion list with a concise weekly bulletin aggregating all the activity across the sector. This will include a digest of updates from the meetup.

Subscribe to the discussion list here: https://democracymeetup.org.uk/discussion-list

Be sure to check out the new UK Democracy Handbook, which all of this information feeds back into. A co-created online digital resource - if XR Future Democracy has any data, funding, jobs, guides, or any other resources, please add them in!

Love & Rage,

James Moulding


C.A.Scott Wed 3 Mar 2021 3:42PM

Hi James,

Without a doubt there is a BIG need to fight to regain democracy and due process also return to Law and order – stop Politicians lying – end Foreign ownership of News Media – end informal Funding for Political Parties – end Lobbying

My point is that this is an issue which is well covered elsewhere

We need ONE Badge – with a minimal set of Policies which all anti Brexit anti Tories can support.

It does not need discussion it need action on a social media the involves a wider grouping –

Before anything will change there has to be recognition that a Foreign Agent undermined UK Political process --- they controlled both Main Political Parties --- if you like others think that Starmer led Labour will unite – think again –
they have supported Brexit from day 1 and Lied about their true intention to their membership.

July 2018 the Electoral Commission Report to Parliament - Vote Leave Broke the Law – that alone made the Referendum Result UnLawful - that aside the E-C also uncovered “Serious Offences” these can be understood as Serious Criminal Offences
– these were referred to Met Police for investigation –

What happened James – there was a Crime committed on a Par with a gang robbing Brinksmat, and Corbyn-Starmer et al Silent ---

There were 14 sitting MPs who were part of Vote Leave – many were Ministers in the May Govt – Leader Of the Opposition Corbyn had a Duty to represent the 42 Million People who did not Vote Tory or to Leave—he should have demanded those
Vote Leave MPs be suspended from Parliament, pending the outcome of the investigation - bear in mind that this was 2 years or so later – the Report to Parliament informed those MPs and other V_L group that a crime had been committed and that there were other
Serious Offences referred to Met Police – Not one decided that they had nothing to do with the crime – they had all known this was coming as there was a whisteblower – they could have had their say to the E-C investigations – No --- all Aid and Abet

Corbyn-Starmer – should have had these MPs suspended =End of May Govt == End of Brexit = General Election --- One for the Horrors of the Labour Party Black Museum.

By my thinking – the Official Opposition where all MPs have a Duty to Uphold the Law – actually assisted the May Vote Leave Govt to bury the Offences as having and investigation would have stopped Brexit

James it gets worse ...

In late 2019 Johnson Govt in we are going to have No Deal – there was a take over in HoC and a Motion to Form a Government of National Unity was in play – 30 or so Tory MPs wanted to sac Liar Johnson- Govt – to do so the combined opposition
needed to elect a new Leader and go to the Queen

Corbyn refused to step aside so that there was a Majority support for a Neutral MP thereby Corbyn-Starmer et al must go down in History as the only Labour Leadership to Stop Tory Back Bench MPs from sacking their Prime Minister and ending
the Tory Govt ---- for the second time we have Corbyn-Starmer et al keeping a Tory Govt in power to allow Brexit to continue.

Before we the People can get Democracy back on track these two instances have to be made known to the wider public not just Labour Party members

It was not just the Tory ERG - the worst offenders are those who are least expected --- it becomes clear that Both Main Parties were forcing Brexit on the People --- Since they had to lie to make this happen they knew that the people would
reject Brexit because there are No Benefits

Poses the Question – Neither Party was working in the best interests of the country – so who were they forcing Brexit on the UK for –

It also creates a massive illegal quagmire – the Vote Leave 2016 Brexit Referendum Crime – was not closed down – the Serious Offences were buried these past 2.6 years – that means that the Vote Leave crime is still ongoing.

It also means that since Parliament did not call the Referendum Null & Void due to the Vote Leave Crime making the outcome Unlawful – the Whole of Brexit Legislation which has been promoted by the Vote Leave Offender is likewise unlawful.

I hope this has raised your eyebrows – Google E-C Report 2018 and Vote Leave crime

Best Regards

Al Scott

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Will Franks Wed 3 Mar 2021 4:41PM

Hey James

This is awesome! Great great stuff. Do you have an email invite to this project you can send me?

If so I will forward it onto my whole list of UK democracy contacts gathered from working on Flatpack Democracy etc.

keep it up! :) hope to see you in the not-so-distant future


will xxx


C.A.Scott Wed 3 Mar 2021 5:07PM

Hi James ,

The point that I would make is that if the “Joined up Opposition to the Tory Govt is to have any effect then it has to be one Badge - One Flag need to mobilise all anti Tory anti dictatorship BUT there are only two ways to change
the Status Quo 1/ get a massive majority in Parliament and get the Tories into Jail and change the politics to PR and a federal UK with 6 x English Assemblies to match Scotland/Wales/ NI or 2/ Outright revolution and throw Tories and cohorts from Labour
Lead in jail.

But we need ONE Flag -

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Barnaby Flynn Thu 4 Mar 2021 1:14PM

One flag. I think we need one global flag, for local national and global Earth Citizens' Assemblies. I'm editing the proposal at present. See my post below.


C.A.Scott Thu 4 Mar 2021 1:55PM


At Barnaby I am OK with the Global Idea – however you need to get one country on board first – if that is UK you have to dislodge the incumbent Govt and Parliament – so that this can become policy and turned into a “New way of Politics”.

I like Global – how Global are you at present - HyPulJet is a concept for a H2-O2 Combustion Internal Steam Pulse jet Rotary Engine- generator – there are 3 innovators – H2-O2 Production Units and Flow Fuel system = development & initial
modelling by HyPuljet Ltd Partner in India. --- Generator Magnifier here in UK

HyPulJet Integrated Hydrogen Power Unit - a belief that we can get energy/power from water – 95% the theory will work –

We are looking at Crowd Funding -and I have been trying to connect to XR to get people power to invest small amounts - This is not a scam the development is planned with technical University Berlin and CF take Place on SEEDrs CF Platform.

A Hydrogen Engine INPU will be able to Retrofit 400,000.,000 existing on the road petrol/diesel vehicles by 2030 – 31 We intend to Licence Auto maker with Global Contracts – also decarb houses =Off Grid consumer gets the financial advantage
– Democratisation of Energy -- Energy Independence

OK up to You – I do have a Social Chapter where Shares are allocated to provide funds to a HypulJet Ambassador for Peace – to fund people/children not to Governments

This can work – lets do it

Al Scott

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Joexr Thu 4 Mar 2021 6:43AM

Fantastic initiative James!!!


Indra Adnan Thu 4 Mar 2021 9:38AM

Anti-Brexit and Anti-Tory is quite a small flag to gather under. For anyone engaged in community activity - which many of us in this group are - the Leavers and Remainers mix neighbourhood by neighbourhood, even families were split. There are far bigger flags to fly that bring people together. Just watch as this government flies the green flag, focusing on jobs (freeports) and don't be surprised if they move towards more community empowerment too. We have to identify much broader, more attractive goals to bring people together -as I know is happening in Trust the People and Flatpack Democracy.


Mofwoofoo Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:17PM

I would like to suggest the idea of restructuring government such that there would be no politicians or lobbyists, a way of governing that is bottom up, real democracy, by and for the people, that is feasible, more effective and efficient and virtually incorruptible. Changing of the guard has proven to be ineffective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8.


Barnaby Flynn Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:18PM

Hello. At our Independent Constitutionalist UK (IC-UK) working group meeting this week I proposed we organise a conference to ask the great many democratic reform organisations in the UK,


I am also doing this at the global scale with the Global Democracy Initiative. There are many global democratic organisations also competing with each other for relevance.

I am setting up a Peoples' Assembly where I live (Llantwit Major -South Wales) with Flatpack Democracy, IC-UK and XR Vale of Glamorgan.

This can all be encapsulated in a project I am working on called Earth Citizens Unite:

Dual citizenship. Local, nation and global Citizen's Assemblies and action plan to tackle global problems through the power of subsidiarity. https://globalpeoplepower.org/ (website needs amending to reflect new Earth Citizens' Unite approach.)


Barnaby Flynn Thu 4 Mar 2021 1:12PM

This was my proposed conference draft to IC-UK:

People Power UK Conference. (Demos-people. Kratos-power.)

Part invitation, part challenge to the many democratic reform initiatives in the UK to ask:

·       Date? 6.30PM

How could and should the UK reform its democratic systems?

·       Date? 6.30PM.

What are the key barriers to achieving those goals?

·       Date? 6.30PM.

What would it take for us to work together to achieve our agreed goals?


Power in the UK is being centralised at such break-neck speed that even during the Covid crisis, overt government corruption and incompetence is being met with little backlash nor accountability. Democracy is in its death throws. The centre-ground has shifted further right, extreme views have become normalised whilst the nation is becoming increasingly divided, politically, economically and socially.

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