
Planning for Decent Social 2023

MN Matt Noyes Public Seen by 12

On Feb 5th we talked about doing 2x 40 min sessions during Decent Social.

  1. One session will be for folks from the social.coop instance to share about their operations

  2. Another session will be for a facilitated discussion about folks who have some democratic or collectively managed aspect to their instances, as well as folks who want to move towards this types of organization

After corresponding with the organizers Danny learned that they are not setting these sessions in advance. Rather they will allow 1min/potential session for a pitch during the opening (1PM EST in the Americas room) then we can claim a slot via a collaboratively edited spreadsheet. No need to have a big description or anything, seems like 1-3 sentences is more than sufficient.

#DecentSocial, #DecentSocial2023, or #DecentSocialTopics can be used this week to chat with folks, throw other ideas around, and invite them to the conference. Particularly if folks are able to publicly invite admins or members identified by the lists we brought together in the Participants thread and indicate that you reached out to them on the Cryptpad that would help draw more attention to this event.


Poll Created Wed 11 Jan 2023 5:14PM

Gathering @ Decent Social, Feb 11 Closed Mon 16 Jan 2023 1:01PM

by Danny Mon 16 Jan 2023 11:54PM

5/11 who were invited to vote participated which seems good. I typically interpret those who did not vote as either not familiar with the voting system in Loomio or not paying attention. If it's the former I'd just like to add that It's OK to say no or abstain if you are not interested in a poll and it really helps organizers feel like they are capturing the best feedback possible within the group.

Nobody seem to think this is not a good idea. So the next steps would be to throw some ideas around about what we want to try and plan for in terms of Decent Social on Feb 11. And I think when we decide on what we want to do we can determine if we need/want to meet beforehand. My suggestion is that we leave comments on things we want to do for Decent Social, or questions we might want to pose to the organizing team.

As some may have already heard there will be a unconference held online on February 11th about the decentralized social web called Decent Social. I propose that we set this as a date to organize something about democratically run instances as a goal from which we can plan backward to set up other gathering(s) in anticipation.

At the moment I'm imagining that we would gather a week or two beforehand to chat in a minimally structured way to identify folks who are able to be on a panel discussion that we run, as well as to collect some questions we would want to ask at the unconference. But that's just me and I could imagine a variety of forms that our contribution to Decent Social could take as well as different approaches to prepare for it. Indeed, we could simply decide to have an open gathering at the unconference.

So what do you think? Shall we set Feb 11 as a date to do something @ Decent Social?


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 5 KF MN D D JK
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 6 LS TR CWF ES IS SP

5 of 11 people have participated (45%)


Wed 11 Jan 2023 5:18PM

I like the sound of this and support the idea.


Matt Noyes
Wed 11 Jan 2023 5:18PM

Love it! Thanks for proposing this. I like the idea of working backward from that date (which isn't so far away) and having one or two discussions.


Poll Created Thu 2 Feb 2023 10:22PM

Meeting this weekend to discuss Decent Social Closed Sat 4 Feb 2023 4:01AM

by Danny Sun 5 Feb 2023 2:18AM

Matt reviewed the crab-fit poll found a time on Sunday Feb 5th and posted a link to the Mastodon thread with a link to the room and the consensus time. Text copied here:

Let's meet at 9am PST, 10am MST, 12pm EST, 6pm CET here: https://socialcoop.meet.coop/mat-tof-czj-liv

Matt Noyes tagged some of us on a toot asking if we wanted to meet this weekend to discuss Decent Social (which is happening in a little over a week). Tod made a poll to get our availability. Putting it here (and in matrix) so folks can participate if they want to and I can post the decided time in the outcome.


Results Option % of points Voters
I will try to make it 100.0% 4 KF MN CWF D
I don't have the avilablity to meet this weekend 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 D LS TR ES IS JK SP

4 of 11 people have participated (36%)


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Sun 5 Feb 2023 6:30PM


2023 Gathering of Cooperative and Democratic Instances planning meeting

Participants: Danny, Matt, Leo, Caitlin, Kevin


Two sessions:

  • Intro to Social.Coop [better title]

  • Gathering of Democratic Instances

Decent Social Conference Feb 11th, https://decentsocial.net/

  • time: ?

  • what it's about, how it works

  • do a session (40 mins)

  • agenda / questions

  • facilitated discussion

  • intro

    • 3 mins each: What are the democratic and cooperative practices of your instance? What challenges have you encountered?

    • describe your instance:

      • how is moderation done?

      • how is tech work done?

      • how is work coordinated (how are decisions made)?

      • how is the instance paid for?

      • how is the culture?

  • fill in a simple matrix (do like PeoplesHub style)

  • possibility of thematic breakout rooms

    • by issue/theme

  • people to recruit

    • diversity/inclusion

Next Steps

  • Gathering of Democratic Instances session -- reach out to conference organizers, give them a description and a title -- Danny

  • Do time polls for each session -- Matt (make public)

  • Is there anyone with facilitation experience that could be part of a faciltiation team? -- Kevin

    • I have facilitation experience (Matt)

1. Social.Coop Session (earlier session) Leo, Matt, [Emi], Caitlin

  • Decide time on Loomio

2. Running Democratic Instances (later session) Danny, Kevin, Matt, Caitlin

Title: [meet and greet] Meet and Greet for Democratic and Cooperative Mastadon Instances and Wannabes


Link to social.coop infographic:



Poll Created Sun 5 Feb 2023 7:09PM

Being a Cooperative: Introduction to Social.Coop Closed Wed 8 Feb 2023 7:02PM

by Matt Noyes Fri 10 Feb 2023 5:07AM

It looks like we need to follow the same approach Danny outlined for the gathering of democratic instances. I can be there at the opening session and will try to coordinate with Danny and others. Maybe we should use the room on Matrix for coordination?

Scheduling the first of two 40min sessions we are organizing for DecentSocial on Feb 11th. There is a separate time poll for the second session.


Sat 11 Feb 2023  6:40PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023  7:30PM

4 of 11 people have participated (36%)


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Sun 5 Feb 2023 7:10PM

Sat 11 Feb 2023 6:40PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023 7:30PM

These times are both great. I can't participate in the unconference at all, but I can help organize/promote these sessions this week. (I did register for DecentSocial!)


Poll Created Sun 5 Feb 2023 7:13PM

Gathering of Democratic and Collectively Run Mastodon Instances Closed Wed 8 Feb 2023 7:02PM

by Danny Thu 9 Feb 2023 4:20PM

3:20PM (EST) time slot is for the gathering of democratically/cooperatively run instances

It's a wild schedule! I'm going to keep this time open for at least 10 minutes and I pitched it as a sharing circle on the topic of democratically/collaboratively run instances to the opening group. We're going to be in Session 3, Room G. Here's the link again.


This is a time poll for our second session at DecentSocial on Feb 11th.


Sat 11 Feb 2023  7:30PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023  8:00PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023  8:20PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023  9:10PM

4 of 11 people have participated (36%)


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Sun 5 Feb 2023 7:14PM

Sat 11 Feb 2023 7:30PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023 8:00PM

These times are both great, generally. Unfortunately, I can't attend on the 11th at all (My family is day tripping, and I think I can't get away or won't have connectivity.)


Danny Sun 5 Feb 2023 7:14PM

Sat 11 Feb 2023 7:30PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023 8:00PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023 8:20PM
Sat 11 Feb 2023 9:10PM

The second option is not a valid time slot at Decent Social, I added 2 more options as well

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