Mon 8 Apr 2024 6:06PM

e-NABLE D.C. Outreach Proposal 2024

MB Madison Bondoc Public Seen by 147

e-NABLE D.C. Outreach Proposal 2024

  • Drafted by: Madison Bondoc, Chapter Leader/President of e-NABLE D.C.

  • Date Created: 03 April 2024

  • Date Presented: 05 April 2024

  • Date Updated: 08 April 2024

Project Proposer/Outreach Coordinator

Madison Bondoc has over 5 years of active involvement in the e-NABLE community. Since 2019, she has served as President and Chapter Leader of e-NABLE D.C., the DMV chapter of e-NABLE. Madison has 3D printed, assembled and provided Phoenix hands and Unlimbited arms. During the pandemic, Madison collaborated with e-NABLE Marymount to produce and distribute over 2,000 face shields to frontline workers nationwide. She has also fostered partnerships with organizations like YWCA and the Maryland School of the Blind, hosting hand-building events and printing assistive devices including palm pen holders, braille symbols, locker adapters, etc.

Project Summary

The e-NABLE D.C. Outreach Proposal aims to establish vital connections with individuals and organizations within the Washington D.C. area, particularly those serving individuals with disabilities. Through targeted outreach efforts, the project seeks to expand the reach of e-NABLE, a global network of volunteers utilizing 3D printing technology to create prosthetic devices and assistive tools. By fostering partnerships and collaborations, the project aims to increase the accessibility of 3D printed devices, enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities in the D.C. community.

Project Description

The project will involve part-time outreach activities, ranging from 5 to 15 hours per week, to engage with local stakeholders including disability support groups, rehabilitation centers, schools, and relevant government agencies. The outreach efforts will focus on raising awareness about e-NABLE's mission, capabilities, and the potential benefits of 3D printed prosthetics and assistive devices. Through networking events, presentations, and targeted communications, the outreach coordinator will: 

(1) identify potential recipients of 3D printed devices. 

(2)  establish channels for collaboration with e-NABLE volunteers and makerspaces in the area. 

(3) establish relationships with national disability organizations headquartered in the D.C. area, to develop models and programs that can be adopted in other areas of the U.S. 

(4) develop written guidance for other chapters that can facilitate better outreach in DC and beyond. 

Expected Results & Impact

  1. Increased awareness of e-NABLE and its services among D.C. and national disability  communities.

  2. Expansion of the network of local collaborators, including healthcare professionals, educators, and community organizations.

  3. Identification of potential recipients for 3D printed prosthetics and assistive devices.

  4. Facilitation of partnerships between e-NABLE volunteers and local stakeholders for the design and production of customized devices.

  5. Enhanced accessibility to assistive technologies, leading to improved quality of life for individuals with disabilities in the D.C. area.

Scope of Work:

  • Conduct research to identify key stakeholders and organizations serving individuals with disabilities in Washington, D.C.

  • Develop outreach materials, including presentations, brochures, and digital content, tailored to different target audiences.

  • Organize meetings, workshops, and networking events to engage with local stakeholders and disseminate information about e-NABLE's initiatives.

  • Collaborate with e-NABLE volunteers and makerspaces to showcase 3D printing capabilities and demonstrate the process of creating prosthetic devices.

  • Maintain regular communication with partners and recipients to ensure ongoing support and assistance throughout the device fabrication process.

Project Timeline

  • Month 1-2: Research and stakeholder mapping

  • Month 3-4: Development of outreach materials and strategies

  • Month 5-6*: Implementation of outreach activities and engagement with stakeholders

  • Month 6*: Evaluation of impact, feedback from e-NABLE community, ongoing support for collaborations; if proposal is renewed, refinement of outreach strategies


The proposed part-time outreach coordinator position will require funding to cover salary and related expenses. Based on the scope of work and expected time commitment, a reasonable cost for this position would be $25 per hour. With an estimated 10 hours of work per week, the 6-month cost would amount to $6,000. If renewed for 6 more months, the total annual cost would amount to $12,000.

For outreach materials such as business cards and brochures, the estimated total material cost is $300.

Additional Deliverables & Community Impact (Added 6/11/2024)

To ensure its benefits extend beyond the local D.C. area to other e-NABLE chapters across the country, the proposed part-time outreach coordinator will/may provide the following:

  1. National Best Practices Guide: In addition to developing written guidance for other chapters, create a comprehensive "National Best Practices Guide" that documents successful outreach strategies, partnership models, and collaboration frameworks established during the project. This guide can be shared with all e-NABLE chapters nationwide, serving as a valuable resource for improving outreach efforts and maximizing impact.

  2. Virtual Training Workshops: Host virtual training workshops for e-NABLE chapter leaders and volunteers from across the country, focusing on effective outreach techniques, community engagement strategies, and partnership development. These workshops can be conducted periodically throughout the project duration and can also be recorded for future reference, ensuring accessibility to a wider audience of e-NABLE members.

  3. Regional Outreach Pilot Programs: Initiate regional outreach pilot programs in collaboration with selected e-NABLE chapters outside of the D.C. area, aiming to replicate successful outreach models and strategies developed during the project. By actively involving chapters from different regions, these pilot programs can help validate the scalability and adaptability of the proposed outreach approach, paving the way for nationwide implementations


Wayne Mon 8 Apr 2024 9:42PM

I think that this is a wonderful proposal. For me, the top priority is to establish relationships with national disability organizations headquartered in the D.C. area. This can lead to better access to individuals with needs that e-NABLE can meet.


Sandra Dermisek Tue 9 Apr 2024 11:00AM

If I understand everything clearly, than I have a bit mixed feelings about this proposal. The intentions are great of course. It is really good to get more collaborations and partnerships to benefit the reach of e-NABLE. I am the chapter leader of e-NABLE the Netherlands and I am doing almost everything mentioned above for my country, the Netherlands and also for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. I expect that some people of other chapters are doing the same thing. I am also aware that doing this takes a lot of time, but more people are doing this voluntary, just like me. Since e-NABLE is a global community I don't think funding should be focussed on only D.C., but it should benefit the global community.


Jon Schull Wed 19 Jun 2024 5:32PM

@Sandra Dermisek. Points well taken, Sandra. And many thanks and congratulations for doing what most of us have failed to do. Please share your processes and insights! If you share with Madison, under this proposal it will be her responsibility to disseminate widely, so we can help get other volunteers doing what you have figured out!

My thinking is that we should "kickstart" processes that volunteers typically can't, don't, or won't do. History shows that you are the rare exception.


Sandra Dermisek Fri 21 Jun 2024 9:03AM

@Jon Schull, it isn't easy, it took al lot of work for over 7 years now to get where we are right now in the Netherlands with our chapter. I also think that what we are doing may not be working in every country, because of cultural differences.

We have learned that it is good to send out messages out into the public, this can be many things; social media posts showing the results of our work (f.e. smiling kids that have received an e-NABLE device), but also getting articles written in newspapers, magazines etc. We have been on national television twice and that boosted our fame. Also, a good website is also helping people to be able to find us. We also are attending Maker Faires in the Netherlands and Belgium; we show there at a stand what we are doing. We are making this fun for everyone to let them try-out giant Phoenix hands (200-250% size) and this helps to get a conversation going and telling them what we are doing, and this also results often in voluntary donations to us. With these donations we can buy materials for making hands.

So important is to let as many people as possible know what we are doing, so they know we exist and people in need can find us!

This resulted in a very nice contact and cooperation with a university hospital in the North of the country, another revalidation centre and with a patient association for people with limb differences.

I must say when we started in 2017 many medical professionals were hesitant to cooperate and at some point, they still are, but if I get a chance to talk to them, I can explain, that we don’t interfere with their work, but we can help people as a addition to their work. The Netherlands is quite a prosperous country, even though a lot of children are not getting a prosthesis compensated by the health insurance, but they do are curious how it would be to have a prosthesis. In that case a hospital or revalidation centre can not provide a prosthesis, but we can often make an e-NABLE device. So, for these cases we can be the addition to their work. The hospital does give sometimes training to better use the device.

Since almost a year, we are also making mostly arms for people in the Tigray area in Ethiopia, Africa. We are cooperating with a Dutch foundation that is already active there and has contact with the biggest hospital in that area. A doctor there takes measurements and photos and in the Netherlands our volunteers are making the arms accordingly. Most people there have amputations, and it is therefor easier judge what is needed to make a proper prosthesis and being able to do this from such a distance. The doctor there checks if everything fits correctly, so we have a great closed loop there.

It was a lot of work, but I am proud of what we have achieved since 2017, when we first started.

Feel free to check our website (www.enablenederland.nl) and our Facebook to see what we have been doing past years. Most is in Dutch, but Google translate can help out. ;-)

I am sure other chapters like e-NABLE in France and Turkey and probably some more do the same things for their location, but it may be possible that other actions work better for these countries.


Kyle Reeser Tue 9 Apr 2024 3:55PM

My two cents...

I think all of the points in the proposal are exactly in line with the ethos of individual e-NABLE chapters around the world. We should be working to identify potential recipients of e-NABLE devices and collaborating with local volunteers and Makerspaces to fulfill those needs. Any connections with local stakeholders we make along the way as a result of our work fosters a stronger network, and it's those growing connections that have made e-NABLE what is is today.

This is a lot of work for any chapter and the hope is that the chapter builds a robust enough team of volunteers that it can distribute that load and benefit their area. However, it's not in line with the ethos of e-NABLE as a global distributed volunteer organization to fund positions at individual chapters.

With all of that said, I could see an avenue for a rewrite of this proposal more in line with the e-NABLE fund. If there is a need for such materials (and the entire organization should be solicited for feedback, starting with @Jon Schull) the project could focus on your bullet point:

  • Develop outreach materials, including presentations, brochures, and digital content, tailored to different target audiences.

The intention of the project would have to be the creation of those material templates that all chapters under the e-NABLE umbrella could download, tailor, and use. DC could be a case study in taking your outreach materials and tailoring them to a specific region, and later you could provide insight as to how those materials benefited your particular chapter.

To make this a project, and not a paid position, the proposal should be re-written to be a sum of money in exchange for tangible deliverables and delivery dates so we can assess the value of the deliverables relative to the needs of the larger organization.


Jon Schull Tue 9 Apr 2024 4:24PM

Good points but piloting in DC is a great start. Â

I'm in full support of this  proposal and urged Madison to develop it.jschull@e-NABLE.org cell: 585-738-6696
Co-Founder, Â e-NABLE: volunteers worldwide making free, 3D printed prosthetics
Innovation Fellow, JMK Innovation Fund

Sent from iPhone: beware tyops.


Richard VanderMey Wed 10 Apr 2024 10:37PM

I like the ideas and if Jon supports it I support it. I would like to see this Outreach to extend Nationally, and World Wide if successful. Sorry for the Cliche' but " You have to crawl before you walk, and walk before you run."

I think that any form of Outreach will improve our availability around the world. I would like to see more discussion on the proposal as well.



Madison Bondoc Tue 11 Jun 2024 5:59PM

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and feedback. I truly appreciate you taking the time to provide your input. I understand that this proposal may not be perfect, but I hope that in the end, it will serve as a valuable resource to enhance outreach efforts for other chapters. Your support and insights are invaluable as we work towards our shared goal of making a positive impact in our communities.

@Jeremy Simon - can we move this proposal to a vote? Thank you!


Poll Created Wed 19 Jun 2024 3:42PM

Fund Stage 1 of DC Outreach Proposal Closed Mon 29 Jul 2024 5:00PM

What is this poll about?

See discussion above.

Why is this important?

See discussion above.

What are you asking people to do?

Vote for or against, and comment and make further suggestions!

Choose the option(s) you favor.


Results Option % of points Voters
Against 4.0% 1 C
Abstain 4.0% 1 J

25 of 228 people have participated (10%)


Richard VanderMey Wed 19 Jun 2024 3:42PM


I'm voting for only because I hope that its a stepping stone to other Chapter support.

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