Thu 10 Jul 2014 6:21AM
Logistics - Help Populate the Map

Help us populate the map with Occupy, movement friendly zones, safe spaces, favorite places to use internet, buy food, rent a bike, and we'll add it to our In Sacramento map.
Suggestions for Satellite/Solidarity spaces?

Jackie Thu 10 Jul 2014 11:37AM
I meant to start listing places and I or Sally would put them on the map. but if anyone else would like to add things to the actual map, just ask for access.

Tricia Thu 10 Jul 2014 4:44PM
Here are PDF's of some maps via the visitor's center
Cathy Grahnert · Thu 10 Jul 2014 8:16AM
I don't know how to populate the map, but Faygo would be a good person to fill in the downtown area as he lives on those streets. I will talk to him about it tomorrow.