Sun 12 Feb 2017 9:21PM
Distribution of UNITE FOR EUROPE leaflets

11.02.2017: Martin Guest delivered to 6-63 Sydney Buildings, BA2

Ruth Malloy Thu 16 Mar 2017 2:04PM
15th March, after the Wednesday Wake-Up Call:
approx. 30 UNITE FOR EUROPE leaflets given to receptionist at the Roper Building, Bath College. I asked permission to leave a few (for students) and she said she'd take a whole pile to put in the internal post!
Had a few left, so gave them to the Polish deli, just along from the Odeon.
Ruth Malloy · Wed 8 Mar 2017 12:12PM
I posted a UNITE FOR EUROPE leaflet through Ben Howlett's door in Charles Street, on my way back from this morning's WEDNESDAY WAKE-UP CALL.
Am wondering about posting one through every (week) day from now until 24th March, or would that be a waste of leaflets?!
BTW his next drop-in surgery is on Friday 24th March (14.30-16-30) at Morrison's on the London Road.
Are we sending another delegation? It may be too late to stop him voting for Article 50, but we can still lobby him to support the emergency Bill to protect the rights of (non-UK) EU-citizens who are living here.