
Bring back likeable comments

DS Dennis Schubert Public Seen by 120

Some time ago, it was possible to like comments. That feature is now removed due to some reasons. What do you think about bringing it back?

-> Decision has been made: YES, bring back likeable comments.
GitHub Issue: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/2999


Flaburgan Sun 6 Jan 2013 11:08PM

Yeah, we put a milestone when someone works on a pull request and we can estimate the time to do it. About like in comments, nobody has time to work on it for the moment...


goob Mon 7 Jan 2013 6:48AM

It's easy to decide that it would be good for something to be done. Actually finding a way to do it (and people with time and energy to do it) is not so easy. Likeable comments had to be removed because they were putting an enormous strain on the servers of big pods. Now this may be a fairly straightforward problem to solve, or it may not be. Until the reason for this problem has been identified, and one or more people have said they'll work on it, it wouldn't be appropriate to set a milestone, certainly not an imminent one.

As always, I'm sorry I can't help with coding things.


Camil Mon 26 Jan 2015 5:51PM

Sorry for bumping this as per this new thread. Of course there always are "higher priorities", but someone might be kind enough to update the Loomio thread with what's happening on github. Someone was working on bringing the feature back, but the current status of the progress is unknown. Can someone ping the guy working on it on github? Thanks.