
NatGat Shirts: Screen Printing as Fundraising/OutReach

T Tricia Public Seen by 56

How about a fundraising campaign -with Phases and a calendar?
We have good fundraising language in one if the emails for direct asks, there's a fiscal sponsor and a donate button for online donations

Maybe schedule two hashtag driven "pledge drives" where we give a T-shirt as a "thank you gift"?


Tricia Mon 30 Jun 2014 7:58AM

I didn't handle the shirts, but think it was considered a hassle because people didn't want to have to pay for them. Steve C ended up giving a lot of them away


Justin Tue 1 Jul 2014 5:24AM

Keep it simple, stick with known practices.

We make a design, create a screen ($25 Bucks), buy ink (30-60 bucks) & offer to do live screen printing on patches & shirts people bring to Nat Gat.

Least risk of loosing money in my OWS experience.


Sally G Tue 1 Jul 2014 4:41PM

@justin2 That works for me; we need to ensure that we have a design and that someone will take responsibility for making it happen. Should we make a formal budget proposal, or wait until we have both of the above? Nicholas (Larsen?) offered to make a logo on another discussion; I do not remember his name here to call out.


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:12PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:16PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:22PM

Swag for NG3 - stenciled and ready for use.

The background is clear. You can either print them on your printers


Send them to the t-shirt printers

Or make a stencil and spray paint them in responsible legal places. ;-)


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 9:41PM

I am going to remove my full recommendation for spread shirt. I noticed an issue, until I look into it further and receive feedback from the site and other persons of interest, I cannot fully recommend them.
I am not pulling them from my shelves as of yet, but it is possible I will.


Justin Wed 2 Jul 2014 2:30AM

Julia, maybe you are not aware of Occupy's tradition of Silk Screening?

It's low cost & the designs last longer that iron ons.

With a screen print of our own we only print what is needed & no risk of getting stuck with Logo Gear unsold afterwards.

Keep it simple & with proven tools has always worked for #OWS in NYC.

With a custom screen we can print on anything people bring- patches are a fav at OWS events.

Here's a peek at how we've done things in the past:



Julia Clark Wed 2 Jul 2014 3:13AM

Maybe you do not know my tradition of diy

Anyone is welcome to print and iron the design onto their clothes. It is a good an practical way to have an event shirt. No talent other than ironing required. Quick too

Another way is to stencil. This is great if you want to make a couple to give away or fund yourself with...
You can make a stencil from rubbish! Very cost effective and upcycles!

You can also contribute to the JCO to make you a t-shirt. :-) There is a wait time , of course, but I will sign and number the product, if you want...

The designs are free for your use or you can contribute to the JCO and help keep the #ccc going. Thx! bye!
Or justin makes screenprints.


Julia Clark Wed 2 Jul 2014 3:16AM

BTW justin I do not visit tumblr... Yahoo bought it...
I am glad for the creator of tumblr, but it was still bought by yahoo. You can read about the tumblr buyout sadness on JuliaClark.org


Jackie Sun 28 Sep 2014 4:32AM

Hi Everybody!

Apologies for not getting this out soon after NatGat.

If anyone who couldn't make it would still like a T-shirt, Mario is willing to ship them out. Mario Galvan, Occupy Sac, Zapatistas, graphic designer, created and donated the t-shirts and his time in many roles during the final stage planning and on the ground. Thanks Mario!

Donations above the costs of printing and mailing will go to the NatGat fund.

On that note, The finance team is closing in on a final report :) It looks like about $1000 left for the next natgat. all reimbursements have been paid. It's pretty amazing the level of mutual aid occupiers practice!

NatGat 2014 T-shirts for sale
(Large and Extra-large Only)

Donation: $20.00
(Price includes shipping)

Send a check or money order (payable to the same) to:

    Mario Galvan
    5021 Gladys Ct.
    Carmichael, CA 95608

Be sure to include your return address!

Supplies are limited; first come, first served!


Jackie Sun 28 Sep 2014 4:34AM

p.s. I'm not int he main group anymore - would someone post this to the larger group?