NatGat Shirts: Screen Printing as Fundraising/OutReach

How about a fundraising campaign -with Phases and a calendar?
We have good fundraising language in one if the emails for direct asks, there's a fiscal sponsor and a donate button for online donations
Maybe schedule two hashtag driven "pledge drives" where we give a T-shirt as a "thank you gift"?

Jackie Sun 18 May 2014 1:07AM
i love the idea of a fundraising campaign & calendar - happy to help with docs, emails, etc. once details are figured out.
details like where to get t-shirts, cost, etc. etc. I don't know that stuff.
also makes me wonder if this has been done in occupy - i should know this but am blank. I know the idea of OSN selling the ballerina posters was widely disliked. thank you for a donation is a little different, but really just in wording.
another cool donation thank you would be the patch - let's try to get that patch idea mvoing fwd.

Sally G Sun 18 May 2014 2:00PM
Radix Media is the combination of OWS Screenprinting, OccuCopy, and Radix Media; that would be our most likely source. I also work with North Jersey Friendship House, a sheltered workshop, which has a price of $5 for T-shirts or baseball caps. There is a $25 set-up fee for the baseball-cap embroidery. I agree that selling products is something that must be done carefully; I bought a T-shirt at NatGat 1, but was told during planning for NatGat 2 that the sales were a real headache. We had a few folks stencilling items last year, but did not charge (recipient provided the T-shirt, etc.; we had just stencil and paint).

Sally G Sun 18 May 2014 2:01PM
Radix Media is union; Friendship House is not, but provides work/day program for developmentally, physically, emotionally disabled folks.
Sea Sun 18 May 2014 3:13PM
Sally, I'm puting your above comment in the "Sociology ... " discussion.
Julia Clark Mon 19 May 2014 1:47PM
There should be a downloadable stencil available. Maybe with instructions on how to do a stencil
With some sort of wording, maybe, suggesting it can be used for fund raising and solidarity, or some such.

Sally G Tue 17 Jun 2014 12:21AM
Calling all artists! Can we get a basic logo that can be used to create a stencil? We had one in Kalamazoo—sadly, I never got anything stencilled, but it is a great idea.

Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:27AM
I'm apart of the #OWS Screen Printers Guild. When we come up with a design we all agree on we can go from there.
Almost there.. Check the convo here & I'll start on the designs. ;)
Screen is $25 Nat Gat Keeps & is only one to use or we can work something out where we invite the screen printers and they share the design.
Occupy has a culture of Live Screen Printing be awesome to share it again at Nat Gat- either by us or by the OWS NYC Guild.
Our choice in the end.
Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 6:29AM
Stencil and spray paint works for most,
but the perk one , anything official is always cool to get they do not have to be fancy.
Both Wikileaks and I use
There is not much profit in them, they are mainly about promotion. and I suppose you can buy and send as part of swag...I do not see why you could not...

Sally G Mon 30 Jun 2014 3:27AM
Spreadshirt looks very interesting; orders placed today would arrive in California on or about July 7, so we have time, but not much. They do not pay commission on spereadshirt stores until the end of the quarter, so we missed in that sense—would have been nice to have money coming in now! Prices look good for bulk order; I did not check the individual prices. Do we think we can sell 50 shirts on the ground? Is it worth the effort? I loved buying a shirt at NatGat 2012, but I think I remember folks saying later that it was a hassle for Occupy Philadelphia. @triciafromphilly ?
Does it make any sense to set this up for direct sales to individuals with spreadsheet (darn, I did that when I tried to find them; spreadSHIRT!) hosting our free or premium store?
Sally G · Mon 12 May 2014 4:19PM
Where do we get T-shirts?
Hmm, that reminds me; we had a request for “swag” from someone who was going to an event in early July, I believe it was—new discussion?