
Assuming the architecture of the OpenApp Ecosystem is independent tiny apps publishing linked open data, how do people plan to test them?
Especially if a particular use case requires a flock of tiny apps that need to coordinate themselves?
Some example use cases of coordinated flocks of apps and some examples of other people thinking about this topic in comments below.

Bob Haugen Sun 23 Nov 2014 8:53AM
Other people talking about testing tiny apps: this ThoughtWorks slide deck about testing micro services.
This coming from a perspective (big "enterprise" systems using Java or .Net) that I think is significantly different from the OpenApps Ecosystem. And they are not talking about tiny apps using linked open data, they are talking about something more like the old IBM-Microsoft Service Oriented Architecture, where everything is internal to The Company.
But for consultants who play in that ballpark, ThoughtWorks is pretty decent. The slide deck is on Martin Fowler's blog, but it is not written by him. He has been skeptical about micro services, but clearly TW as an organization is going there, which means they have big-company demand for such consulting services.
I also think that, like most consulting company writing, this is slideware, not software. Meaning, they are guessing on some large percentage of the details.
But still, I think there are some interesting testing topics in those slides that might get you thinking. And how ~do~ we plan to test in the OpenApps Ecosystem, anyway?

Jon Richter Fri 28 Nov 2014 6:30AM
I also think that, like most consulting company writing, this is slideware, not software. Meaning, they are guessing on some large percentage of the details.
Wow. Hehe.
Bob Haugen · Sun 23 Nov 2014 8:47AM
Use case for coordinated flocks or orchestras of tiny apps: generating and executing plans for producing manufactured items using a distributed manufacturing network.
The overall pattern is Dependent Demand. (Please ignore the "all rights reserved" notice, that was the pattern in PLoP conferences in 1997. I did not get open source religion until 2002 or so...)
Tl;dr: coordinating distributed manufacturing requires all of the layers and objects in the attached diagram.