Forest Garden Patterns

Inspired by the Forest Garden in a Box, I’d like to create some Forest Garden Patterns.
The idea is to have half a dozen templates for different sized gardens and situations. I know, there is no such thing as a generic forest garden but I think it could be a useful tool for people starting out, so they can get ideas for plant types, rootstocks and specific combinations that suit their situation.
Plant types would be as simple as "2 metre high and wide deciduous hedge" or "4 metre high & wide fruit tree". Then, a callout-box listing possible plants eg Apple on MM104 rootstock, Cherry on Colt roostock
I'm imagine doing the layouts initially in CAD, and then doing some sort of isometric sketch, to make them easier to visualise.
I'll be livestreaming about it on Wednesday 3rd February on my YouTube channel. If anyone is interested in some collaboration, drop me an email Or reply here (tbh, I kind of forget to check on these forums very often!)

Tomas Remiarz Mon 24 Jan 2022 3:41PM
Not sure if this has been said yet, the Biggie of forest garden patterns for me is the Pattern Language in Dave Jacke's Edible Forest Gardens, Vol 2. I go back to it every time I do a design.

Jake Rayson Sat 29 Jan 2022 5:47PM
Hi Tomas, thanks so much for the links, absolutely spot on. Sorry for the late reply

Tomas Remiarz Mon 24 Jan 2022 3:39PM
Re ART symposium: Jo B, did you mean the business plans from Food from the Forest from the Netherlands have produced? Here they are - excellent stuff. There is so much good work going on in the Netherlands, and very often in collaboration iwth local authorities. Food from the Forest also have a brilliant Ciizens Science project going - see the second link
And Jake, if you want a copy of my book you can order through my website ; )
Angie Quemby Wed 19 Jan 2022 8:56AM
I’ve joined your telegram group too!
Angie Quemby Wed 19 Jan 2022 8:55AM
Wonderful idea, Jake. Looking forward to joining in again!

Jake Rayson Tue 18 Jan 2022 7:36PM
If anyone's interested in collaborative work on this, I've set up a Telegram group. TBH, it's handy to have a group to store files and info that others can access. For example, I have the show garden sizes for RHS Chelsea, Hampton Court and Tatton Park shows saved as a PDF.
Anyone welcome to join, here's the invite link
Steve Marquis Tue 18 Jan 2022 8:22AM
Jake, this is the link to Martin's ART International Forest Garden / Food Forest Symposium last summer, it has all the downloads

Jake Rayson Mon 17 Jan 2022 9:34PM
Brilliant, thank you Jo, this is exactly what I was hoping for 🙂
Tomas's Forest Gardening in practise exposes the patterns of what is on the ground in numerous places
I still haven't read his book yet, it is in my reading list! This will give me the impetus to get hold of a copy, I'll put it on my todo list.
At the Agroforestry conference last June organised by Martin Crawford someone presented a series of 4 patterns being planted our one of them was culinary, one medicinal etc I have a link somewhere if you want it.
Yes, if you have it to hand. I know the videos had been released recently?
Plants for a future offer templates for gardens in different situations.
Thanks, will have a look on their website
My own project Future Food Forests CIC is collating FG patterns at each scale
Fantastic, do keep us posted
The plan is to make this opensource.
I have started putting all my notes and CAD plans online, really for my own use and for clients. If anyone's interested, my GitHub repository (ie online software library) is here: - updated projects are Clifftop, WildPaddock, Ddwylan and Rhug. I also have notes here: etc
Good idea to add an open source license, I've just added an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license from Creative Commons to my plans
One thing we want to explore is interpretation where we are demonstrating, It would be great to collaborate to co-create something.
Definitely. I like what you're saying but I don't know what it means! It would be great to find out more.
Jo Barker Sun 16 Jan 2022 11:16AM
There is some work done on this worth being aware of us. Tomas's Forest Gardening in practise exposes the patterns of what is on the ground in numerous places which is partly where the Forest garden in a box pattern came from. At the Agroforestry conference last June organised by Martin Crawford someone presented a series of 4 patterns being planted our one of them was culinary, one medicinal etc I have a link somewhere if you want it. Plants for a future offer templates for gardens in different situations. My own project Future Food Forests CIC is collating FG patterns at each scale from our gardens, schools, communities, towns, farms and rewilding. We are awaiting funding bids to enable us to spent time developing this work. The plan is to make this opensource. One thing we want to explore is interpretation where we are demonstrating, It would be great to collaborate to co-create something.
Tomas Remiarz · Mon 24 Jan 2022 4:07PM
There's also the Polyculture Packs by the Balkan Ecology Project - probably the closest to the packs we were talking about a few years ago.