Wed 1 Jun 2022 5:37PM

TABASAMU P&O Clinic in Tanzania | DISCUSSION

KR Kyle Reeser Public Seen by 97

Aiding Rajab Hamis in opening TABASAMU, a Pay-What-You-Can P&O clinic in Musoma, Tanzania.


In 2019 I traveled to Musoma, Tanzania to volunteer my time at Lake Victoria Disability Centre (LVDC), helping to design and 3D print prosthetics and orthotics for those in need.  The Director of the P&O Department at LVDC at the time was Rajab Hamis, a talented professional with a passion for helping people with limb differences.  Rajab started the non-profit TABASAMU (which means ‘smile’ in Swahili) with the intent of leaving LVDC to open a brick-and-mortar P&O clinic in the same city.  Rajab has a board, stakeholders, and a list of potential patients to help that gets longer every day. Until now Rajab has not had the funding to open the clinic.  For want of $1,500, Rajab has not been able to open TABASAMU and is forced to idle when he could be helping people who really need it. 

Part 1: Creality Brand Ambassador

I am the current brand ambassador for the 3D printing company Creality.  As part of accepting the brand ambassadorship, I asked for funding for humanitarian efforts around the world.  Creality has accepted a proposal to fund a trip to Musoma, Tanzania for me to again work for several days at LVDC.  In advance of my arrival, Creality will ship six 3D printers and 30 rolls of filament to Rajab.  In my time there, as written in the proposal, I will:

  1. Assemble and test the six 3D printers that Creality is donating to LVDC

  2. Provide at least one class to local students and adults on the utility of 3D printers

  3. Work with Rajab to produce at least one upper limb prosthetic device for a child in need

  4. Host a large event with food and drinks provided (50-100 people) where we will discuss 3D printing and its potential to help humanitarian causes.  

  5. Funding has been secured for Rajab to create a traditional prosthetic leg for a 12 year old female below-the-knee amputee.  


Rajab has an office in Musoma picked out, but to secure the lease the landlord requires 6 months of rent upfront.  That 6 months of rent, plus funding for minimal furnishing of the space comes to roughly $1,500 dollars. Rajab is confident that, with money in hand, he can have the clinic up and running in as little as two weeks.  Rajab utilizes both traditional P&O techniques as well as 3D printing in his work.  If Rajab can secure funding for TABASAMU before I arrive in Musoma, I can help him to officially open the clinic during my visit.   

For those who can afford it, Rajab will charge for the prosthetics and orthotics he makes at TABASAMU. For those who cannot afford it, Rajab is developing a network for donations which will fund the gifting of the devices to the patients. He hopes to generate a healthy balance of both in order for the clinic to be self-sustaining (he has his own family to support) while helping as many people as possible.  

Part 3: Proposal Outline

I propose that the e-NABLE fund grants Rajab $3,000 to open TABASAMU.  Though he requires a minimum of $1,500, an extra $1,500 will allow him to purchase additional tools and materials, and give him a few weeks of breathing room while he builds up the business of the clinic.  

For my part, I will divert at least half of the 3D printers and rolls of filament Creality is donating towards TABASAMU.  I will also be working to raise an additional $1,800 through different avenues to fund traditional prosthetic legs for three young children ($600 each).  During my visit, pending this funding, Rajab can create and present these three prosthetic legs to the children during the official opening of the clinic.  

I believe this is a good use of e-NABLE fund money because it will go directly towards opening a clinic that utilizes 3D printing in its work, and Rajab has agreed to make himself available to share his insights as a P&O professional in a developing country at an e-NABLE conference in the future.  This is an immediate need, a grant that will keep on giving.

I welcome any discussion on this topic before I generate a proposal. Rajab is very forthcoming and I can work with him to answer any questions or relay any suggestions the community may have.

Project Timeline:

June 1, 2022: TABASAMU proposal open for discussion

June 7, 2022: TABASAMU proposal open for vote

June 14, 2022: TABASAMU proposal vote closes.  Assuming the proposal passes, funds should be transferred to Rajab ASAP so that he can work to sign the lease and begin renovating the space.  

June - July 2022: Rajab renovates rented space toward the goal of opening TABASAMU. 

July 2022 (end of month):  Kyle will be present in Musoma, Tanzania as TABASAMU is officially opened, and Rajab presents at least one prosthetic leg to a child, constructed in the clinic.  


  1. How are funds sent to Rajab in Tanzania?

    1. The best way to transfer funds to Rajab would be using the international money transfer service WorldRemit. The e-NABLE Fund would send the funds directly to Rajab.  Kyle has previously used this service.  

  2. How long will it take Rajab to set up the clinic?

    1. Rajab is confident he can have the clinic ready to go in as little as two weeks.  Building in some cushion, I’d like to ensure Rajab has the grant funds by the third week of June 2022.  

  3. What will the relationship be between LVDC & TABASAMU?

    1. During the pandemic LVDC downsized its personnel due to funding issues. What used to be the P&O department that Rajab ran is no more. All personnel that worked under him have moved on, though every once in a while Rajab is called back in to perform procedures that only he can do. Basically there is a vacuum in Musoma for a P&O professional, and this clinic will fill that void. I'm sure there will be a relationship going forward but his job will be running TABASAMU, and won't be employed at LVDC.


Rajab has agreed to three deliverables:

  1. After the clinic is up and running he will write a report detailing how the funding was allocated, but more importantly what the bare minimum necessities were for opening the clinic.  He will detail his help of at least one patient as a case study.  It is important to note that Rajab is a P&O professional.  Though working in a developing nation, his approach to treatment as a professional is different from the approach an e-NABLE volunteer would take.  

  2. Rajab will provide photos of the process of setting up the clinic.  

  3. Rajab will be open to giving a presentation about TABASAMU and his other work at a future enablecon or virtual meeting.


ebubar Wed 1 Jun 2022 9:49PM

I for one am fully in support of such a project. Kyle created a portable Creality many moons ago and I'm currently working with him on using bioprinter to do some research/education work so know he has the technical chops for such a project. I think this is an excellent use of funding, particularly if we can possibly get some deliverables in the form of a guidebook for how to replicate this in other areas of the world. Possibly use this to create a model for others to follow.


Kyle Reeser Thu 2 Jun 2022 1:19AM

Thank you Eric, it has been great working with you so far. I know this isn't the traditional proposal topic for the e-NABLE fund but I think it has the potential to provide large humanitarian returns for a relatively small grant. I can speak to Rajab about providing some form of a deliverable. He is always great with providing pictures and quality explanations of various processes when we speak.


Jacquin Buchanan Mon 6 Jun 2022 12:30AM

I too think this is a great idea and well worth the funds. It is because of and for clinics like this that I created the Kwawu arm. In my opinion, it is through projects like this that e-nable can help around the world.


Jon Schull Mon 6 Jun 2022 2:57AM

I think this great and like eric’s suggestion for some defined deliverables. Looking forward to seeing this !


Kyle Reeser Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:55PM

Thank you Jon, I added deliverables to the discussion above!


Kyle Reeser Mon 6 Jun 2022 6:25PM

Rajab agrees to create a written document discussing his budding organization and how the money was used. Others may be able to follow his lead but it's important to remember that he is a P&O professional so his approach will be different than say a volunteer e-NABLE chapter would be. He also agreed to giving a presentation sometime in the future, like at an enablecon


Jeremy Simon Tue 7 Jun 2022 3:29PM

Looks like a solid proposal. The fact that it will be Kyle going there to help them get set up gives me a great deal of confidence that we'll see good results from this investment.


Kyle Reeser Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:55PM

Thank you Jeremy. I'm very confident that with this seed money Rajab will help many people with his clinic. I look forward to being there to help him open it.


Poll Created Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:42PM

TABASAMU P&O Clinic in Tanzania Closed Mon 13 Jun 2022 4:01PM

by Kyle Reeser Mon 13 Jun 2022 6:26PM

With 19 votes in favor, and with no opposing votes, this proposal has passed! Thank you all for participating and I look forward to seeing how this grant helps the people of Musoma, Tanzania. Thanks!

Aiding Rajab Hamis in opening TABASAMU, a Pay-What-You-Can P&O clinic in Musoma, Tanzania.

Please see Discussion section for full proposal details.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

19 of 177 people have participated (10%)


Roberto HP&O
Tue 7 Jun 2022 5:43PM

It is important that motivated local structures are supported, sustained and encouraged by a structured organisation such as E-nable and to promote technology transfer to help the most disadvantaged.

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