Mon 4 Mar 2019 2:29AM

Operations Teams Funding

MC Matthew Cropp Public Seen by 17

This is a thread to discuss the funding of the Operations Teams that perform critical tasks and roles for the co-op.

Existing Operations Teams Funding:
- Community Working Group Ops Team - Full Details
- Term: 2018-11-25 to 2019-05-24
- Compensated Team Members: 5
- Monthly Budget: $199


Poll Created Mon 4 Mar 2019 2:44AM

Expense: 6 Month Tech WG Operations Team Budget Closed Sun 10 Mar 2019 3:01AM

by Matthew Cropp Sun 17 Mar 2019 6:55PM

This is approved. I will work with @wulee on implementing the formation of the Tech WG Ops Team.

Following a check-in call with @wulee today, I propose that we approve a budget of $170/month for a Tech Working Group Operations Team for a six month period following the formation of that team, at which point it will be revisited and revised. This will bring the Tech WG's labor into a compensation scheme similar to the one that has been used by the Community WG Ops Team since mid-December.

The Tech Working Group will be delegated the task of forming their Operations Team within the following parameters:
- Size: The team shall consist of up to five members.
- Roles and Compensation:
- All members are expected to attend a monthly operations team call, and receive $10 for their attendance.
- One member shall be selected by the operations team as the coordinator. The coordinator receives a stipend of $20/month and is responsible for scheduling the monthly call, coordinating with other working groups, and otherwise ensuring the operations team's activities run smoothly.
- Tech Work: $100/month shall be budgeted for the time spent on both planned (upgrades) and unplanned (crises) tech work for the instance. Operations team members will track their time spent, and submit it for approval at the monthly meeting. The budget will then be divided among team members pro-rated by hours worked, with the total compensation rate not to exceed $20/hour.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 6 NS MC MN D NS ES
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 TB LS

6 of 8 people have participated (75%)


Matthew Cropp
Mon 4 Mar 2019 2:45AM

I'm hopeful that this will help lay the foundation for a sustainable arrangement on the tech side of our project.


Nathan Schneider
Mon 4 Mar 2019 11:03PM

Thanks to all who have been working on this process!