Thanks for starting the CCANZ discussion on Loomio. In the past I've seen it can be useful to introduce ourselves to the group so we have some context for our discussions.
Helen Baxter Sun 17 Nov 2013 7:49PM
Hi everyone,
I run Mohawk Media producing animated infographics (, and am currently writing a book called the Creative Business Toolkit, as a remix of my workshops and the MsBehaviour Files at the Big Idea. My interest is the use of CC in creative business, knowledge sharing and innovation.

Cathy Aronson Mon 18 Nov 2013 6:56AM
Hi all, I'm the editor of The Big Idea creative community website and online editor for my local newspaper Rodney, North Island. I'm passionate about community and helping find and share quality resources and content online.
Cathy :)

Richard White Tue 19 Nov 2013 6:20AM
Hi everyone. Thanks to Matt for starting this up and thanks Sophie for kicking off the introductions. I am the Copyright Officer at the University of Otago by day, so interested in CC as a vehicle for Open Access to teaching resources and to research; by night I am a CC-licensing musician, creator of quirky, pseudo-intellectual kiwi alt-rock { }

Matt McGregor Tue 19 Nov 2013 9:47PM
I suppose I should also introduce myself! For most of the week, I manage the day-to-day work at CCANZ, here at the Royal Society in Wellington. I also work for Koordinates, a local technology company that hosts open data.

Wayne Mackintosh Wed 20 Nov 2013 1:24AM
Late arrival -- just returned from the launch if the OERu and catching up on the usual backlog. I'm with the OER Foundation which co-ordinates WikiEducator and the OERu international collaboration. I also hold the UNESCO-COL Chair in OER at Otago Poly / OER Foundation.
Deleted account Wed 20 Nov 2013 2:04AM
Greetings. I teach design (communication, innovation, experience, digital media) in the Department of Applied Sciences at the University of Otago. I'm currently researching open, participatory and collaborative strategies in design education and practice. Recent presentation are on my blog:
Te Ara Thu 21 Nov 2013 3:11AM
Kia ora. Thanks for the invite Matt. My name is Philothea Flynn & I am a Rights Administrator for Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Victoria Leachman Thu 21 Nov 2013 3:58AM
Thanks for the invite Matt. My name is Victoria Leachman and I'm the Rights Adviser for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa). We've been rolling out CC licensing particularly in relation to Te Papa's collection.

Mark Osborne Sat 23 Nov 2013 7:56AM
Kia ora koutou,
I work for a not-for-profit organisation helping schools get stuff done. In particular most of my work is in built environments (architecture) mental furniture (teaching, learning and leadership) and technology. Prior to taking up my current job I was Deputy Principal at an open source/creative commons high school in Auckland (Albany Senior High School). I like sharing all the things.
Sophie Jerram · Thu 14 Nov 2013 7:01AM
Hi all, thanks for inviting me to this discussion @mattmcgregor.
I'm interested in the broad debate about commons, as a curator, independent researcher, writer and investor based in Wellington.
I have run public discussions that include debate around commons and IP within the partnership of
I'm a director of Loomio as well and am really pleased to see its usage here.
As co-curator on we're currently due to open in a major arts-based project called the 'Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa' based in Christchurch, due to open in a fortnight