Planning Session PDF
Hi all, I am attaching the Planning Session document from Steve R. The goals for the workgroup is included.
Eileen George Thu 20 May 2021 12:05AM
Hi Zone Visibility group. I have a retirement dinner to attend for work tomorrow evening. They changed the time and I will not be able to make our meeting. I will post minutes tomorrow am.
Melanie Beck Thu 20 May 2021 2:45PM
I can take notes if you like.
Eileen George Thu 20 May 2021 3:34PM
Yes, please! Thank you so much
Eileen George Tue 8 Jun 2021 3:21AM
Zonal Visibility and Viability
MINUTES 5.27.21
· In attendance: Melanie, Sashua, Eileen
· Opened meeting with Serenity Prater at 6:00 PM
· Covered the video and ideas for a new informational video that can be distributed.
o Some ideas for the new video are to make a full-length video(approx.7 minutes) that can be broken up into 3 parts, General what is a zone, who are we WSZF and share FD in Alaska, including being able to start meeting in tribe and talking to tribal elders.
o We talked about upgrades from the last video that could be included.
o Eileen agreed to talk to Mike to ask about developing the video.
o Ask Dave to ask other Zonal reps if there is already a video for general zone description.
· We talked about a Zone FB group (www. Facebook/groups/961109504640983/?ref=share) ( I hope that is correct) Facebook group paused until further communication about the following: administrators/monitors/ and what the group wants on the page/group.
We will meet again on 6/3/21@6pm.
Eileen George Tue 8 Jun 2021 3:34AM
Zonal Visibility and Viability
MINUTES 6/3/21
· In attendance: Melanie, Sashua, Eileen, Dave
· Opened meeting with Serenity Prater at 6:00 PM
· Covered the video and ideas for a new informational video that can be distributed.
o Some ideas for the new video are to make a full-length video(approx.7 minutes) that can be broken up into 3 parts, General what is a zone, who are we WSZF, and share FD in Alaska, including being able to start meeting in tribe and talking to tribal elders.
o Eileen talked to Mike to ask about developing a video, he was not available.
o Dave will ask other Zonal reps if there is already a video for general zone description.
o We talked about joining IT workgroup to talk about video, this changed when Sashua signed on and said she was willing to work on video. Yahoo!
· We talked about a Zone FB group (www.Facebook/groups/961109504640983/?ref=share) ( I hope that is correct) Facebook group paused until further communication about the following: administrators/monitors/ and what the group wants on the page/group.
· Suggestions:
o We agreed that the Zonal Facilitators should be administrators of FB group.
o 3 to 5 moderators ( Should be RD’s or AD’s)
o Need to have a discussion of what should be on FB group. (Sharing btwn regions, events calendar, question, and answers)
o Pin a Welcome message with guidelines.
o Should we require an agreement to follow the guidelines at sign on?
· Next meeting June 17th at 6 pm
Melanie Beck Tue 8 Jun 2021 2:19PM
Thank you for your service Eileen. Great job!
Melanie Beck Wed 16 Jun 2021 1:47AM
A friendly reminder the the Zonal Viability workgroup will meet this Thursday June 17 at 6pm. Zoom ID 867 1661 9589. Passcode 334886

Dave Tynes Wed 16 Jun 2021 1:51AM
Eileen George Thu 17 Jun 2021 3:37PM
I am not going to be able to make meeting tonight. So sorry.
Amy Langley · Wed 5 May 2021 10:41PM
Hi all.
Sorry I am busy with my local FD Team Meeting during our meeting Thursday.