Tue 13 Jul 2021 9:34PM

Payment for move to GitHub Actions and React Native upgrade

J Johnny Public Seen by 6

With changes in the licensing for Travis (which we use to build the app), it's necessary to move to Github actions instead - which is free and more sustainable. In order to complete this, there is also the need to upgrade the React Native version and various other issues with the Apple release process in particular.

This requires significant development work from @Laurent Savaete and is precisely the maintenance task that the MSF donation was earmarked for.

This is to start the thread for clarification and discussion of what is required, amount of time and eventually deciding on payment for this piece of work. @Laurent Savaete - perhaps you could add more details when works?


Jorieke Vyncke Sat 18 Sep 2021 10:33AM

Commenting from my phone does not seem to be easy! I cant see what I'm writing....


Jorieke Vyncke Sat 18 Sep 2021 10:35AM

Ok desktop view solved the issue. Apologies for the spamming and testing! I copy paste my message from slack below!


Jorieke Vyncke Sat 18 Sep 2021 10:41AM

Apologies for not voting on time! I'm not able to comment anymore, so I just comment here for now (and try to be on time next time!).

From my side certainly an aproval. I loved your detailled write-up @Laurent Savaete! That's really what we need to understand!

The amount of 400€/day sounds to me like a correct price for development for non-profit projects. An amount we in my opinion could set fixed for now for any development work for MapSwipe. Is this something we should vote on as well?

The boundaries between what is paid and what is volunteering is indeed a difficult one... and needs indeed digging in more.

In regards to the busfactor; Ben just had to explain what bounties are, that sounds like an interesting idea.

@Laurent Savaete I'd say please go ahead with asking money from the collective!

Ah, and the last thing. We should request another bill to send to MSF again!