
Hiring a Ballot Access Coordinator

MTR Mary Tyrtle Rooker Public Seen by 10

The MGP should hire a part-time (5-10 hours per week) petition coordinator at $20/hour with a focus on petitioning. That person should have an 80/20 split between petitioning and finding places to petition.

In the short term, the MGP should raise the amount of sustaining donations to cover 5 hours per week. In the mid- term, the MGP should create a fundraising plan that brings in $5000 in one time donations during 2023 to cover expansion of the role in 2024.


Poll Created Wed 26 Apr 2023 5:18PM

Hiring a Ballot Access Coordinator Closed Wed 3 May 2023 5:02PM

The MGP should hire a part-time (5-10 hours per week) petition coordinator at $20/hour with a focus on petitioning. That person should have an 80/20 split between petitioning and finding places to petition.

In the short term, the MGP should raise the amount of sustaining donations to cover 5 hours per week. In the mid term, the MGP should create a fundraising plan that brings in $5000 in one time donations during 2023 to cover expansion of the role in 2024.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 7 TWM MTR BB RDB CMW ND JL
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 NWD JS

7 of 9 people have participated (77%)


Renaud De'Aundre Brown Wed 26 Apr 2023 5:21PM

I need to be added to Loomio, accidentally unsubscribed.....


Mary Tyrtle Rooker Wed 26 Apr 2023 11:14PM

@Renaud De'Aundre Brown

I just checked the Loomio members list, Renaud, and you are still showing as a member. Your vote on this proposal also registered.