Tue 23 Apr 2019 10:33PM

Earth Science Is Ready for Preprints

VV Victor Venema Public Seen by 176

For those not on Twitter.

"The EarthArXiv preprint archive, in operation for almost a year and a half, makes the latest Earth science research available to a wider community. ..."


Daniel Ibarra Fri 26 Apr 2019 3:37PM

Hi All - people are requesting the article on ResearchGate - is best practice to just point them to the link to the article?


Pablo Ampuero Sat 27 Apr 2019 7:39AM

I always do that, using the "quick reply" option "already available open access at [link]". For this paper we may want to add "The printed version of the article will be available later in open access at https://eos.org/current-issues".

It's frustrating that there is no place to provide open access links upfront in article pages on ResearchGate. In the past, I have sneaked the OA link at the beginning of the abstract, but I am not sure that has worked: people still asked me for the paper.