Bugmash Mondays - bug suggestions
As we're trying to get Bugmash Mondays up and running again, it would be excellent to have a place where developers can suggest bugs suitable for inclusion each week. This seems as good a place as any.
Ideally, we'll give eight bugs to the community each week (that was the stated goal when Bugmash Mondays were started) - some quick fixes and some suitable for newcomers, others can be a bit more complex. If we can't find eight suitable, I'll post whatever we have.
I'll bump this thread each Saturday, and then if bugs can be suggested here over Saturday and Sunday, I'll post from the Diaspora HQ account on the Monday.
Hope this isn't an inappropriate place for this thread - it seems the best place.
goob Sun 16 Jun 2013 10:04PM
Thanks. I'll leave it off in that case, just to be on the safe side. We've got seven bugs now, and I'll say 'if you want to tackle another bug, post on the thread for that bug first to discuss it with the devs'.
Flaburgan Mon 17 Jun 2013 12:18PM
@goob your link to http://wiki.diaspora-project.org/wiki/How_to_work_on_bugs in your post is not correct: the redirection to the new domain works but the page does not exist.
Jonne Haß Mon 17 Jun 2013 1:03PM
Well the page does exist, the redirect should just go from http://wiki.diaspora-project.org/wiki/ to http://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/
Sean Tilley Mon 17 Jun 2013 1:29PM
Fixed! :)
Flaburgan Mon 17 Jun 2013 2:27PM
@seantilleycommunit the link still not goes to a page :p
goob Mon 17 Jun 2013 2:59PM
Oh, thanks, Fla. That was cut and pasted from last week, before Sean had transferred the wiki. Sorted now (and it produces a valid page when I click on it, or your link below to the old domain also works for me).
Thanks everyone for your input this week. Hope you get some useful contributions from this, and possibly one or two new developers. Until next weekend!
Sean Tilley Mon 17 Jun 2013 5:39PM
@flaburgan, the link you've provided seems to redirect just fine for me: http://wiki.diaspora-project.org/wiki/How_to_work_on_bugs
Jonne Haß Mon 17 Jun 2013 6:11PM
@seantilleycommunit @flaburgan keep in mind that browsers cache redirects.
goob Sun 23 Jun 2013 10:19AM
Thinking about tomorrow's Bugmash, it looks as though we might as well use last week's list with the exception of https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/2948 and https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/4210, which have pull requests. Is that correct?
So this week's list would be:
- Private message fails if contact not entered correctly
- Disable invite button once invite sent
- Set current user on client side through gon (newcomer)
- Embedded media appears over elements (Webkit)
- Mobile photo view gets rendered for non-existing stuff
Would https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/3529 and https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/4069 also be suitable to add?
I see there hasn't yet been a great response so far to the relaunched BugMash Mondays, although Steffen cleared a few in the first week. Is there anything I can do to help generate more response? Are the DHQ posts OK, or could I improve them? Here's the last post, so you can read it to see what you think: https://www.joindiaspora.com/posts/2734912
Look forward to your comments on this week's list, and on what else I could do to encourage more people to help.
Jonne Haß Sun 23 Jun 2013 11:27AM
#4069 would be fine, though I'd keep the list at 5 per week.
#3529 is not really a newcomer thing but we really could use the help of a dev experienced with the RTL stuff to make the experience on Diaspora better, so it might be worth including it, simply to call out for that.
Steffen van Bergerem Sun 23 Jun 2013 7:59PM
Wait, #4210 has a pull request so it shouldn't be on the list, right? ;)
I'd also say we should list 5 bugs per week. If you want a bigger response I'd suggest to look at the old bugmash posts: http://blog.diasporafoundation.org/2012/02/20/bug-mash-monday-week-3.html
The reviews of the last week were awesome and I think that this could motivate other devs when they see that something is going on. I also think that we should keep the post as short as possible. How about something like this:
Flaburgan Mon 24 Jun 2013 8:38AM
@goob you should click on the button at the bottom right of the input text in loomio to activate markdown syntax ;)
Well, maybe the weekly post is not the best approach because too repetitive and not enough specific. What about some really specific posts like "Looking for a RTL specialist
You have knowledge about language in right to left and want to help improve diaspora? Please join this discussion (https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/3529)!"
Or "You don't know anything about ruby but just about front end languages? We need to convert sass files to scss, come help here (https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/3796)"
I think specific stuff like that could be better received.
goob Mon 24 Jun 2013 10:01AM
@steffenvanbergerem - that's fantastically helpful. Thanks. I had forgotten about the weekly reviews. Not being a developer, I hadn't paid too much attention to bugmash posts in the past other than just to see that something was happening. I've added your suggestions.
@jonnehass - thanks also for your input.
@flaburgan - thanks for the markdown tip. I had forgotten about that button. You may be right about specific posts, and that was something I had also thought would work well, but it's something I would not be able to do. I'm struggling simply to compile a short list of bugs each week, as I'm already out of my depth technically. So if the devs would prefer specific posts like that, someone else would have to write the posts. I could then edit them and post from DHQ account, but I wouldn't be able to compile or write the posts.
I'll post a list of bugs today anyway, and you can decide among yourselves what is going to be most helpful for you as developers in the coming weeks. I'll help in any way I can, although with those limitations I've just mentioned.
goob Sat 29 Jun 2013 9:30PM
Here are my suggestions for this week. As ever, I'd appreciate your feedback on them.
There are two important but straightfoward admin tasks we would really welcome some help with:
This week's bugs are:
- Render markdown in email subjects and titles (suitable for a newcomer)
- Git environment sanity checks in script/server (suitable for a newcomer)
- Embedded media appears over elements (Webkit)
- Problem mixing left-right and right-left text directions
- Background actual mailing when sending invitations (suitable for a newcomer)
Jonne Haß Sun 30 Jun 2013 6:32AM
Uhm, for the SCSS issue somebody said he'll have a look into it, so I'd postpone that a week. Also not sure I like the term "admin tasks". For the email one (4182) we got an open PR.
Jonne Haß Sun 30 Jun 2013 6:33AM
Oh, and the gem updates aren't necessarily straight forward...
goob Sun 30 Jun 2013 3:25PM
You're right, 'admin tasks' is not an elegant way of putting it. I was thinking of routine maintenance/updating rather than bug fixes. And if 'straighforward' is misleading, I'll change it to 'an important ongoing task'. And I'll remove the SCSS task and 4182. It was an error to include that last one, and thanks for pointing it out.
Right, I think we're all set unless anyone else has an issue to suggest?
Flaburgan Mon 1 Jul 2013 1:33PM
Thank you @goob ;)
goob Mon 1 Jul 2013 2:56PM
You're welcome. I'm happy to continue doing it if it's helpful to the devs, so do let me know if it is, or if it isn't.
Flaburgan Tue 2 Jul 2013 7:23AM
It is, we see a marked improvement in number of pull request, that's great!
goob Sat 6 Jul 2013 6:10PM
It's that time again... (comes around quickly, doesn't it?)
As far as I can see, one bug from last' week's list has been fixed and merged.
I can't see any new bugs that look suitable for inclusion. All the ones I look at either (a) look too complex, (b) have ongoing discussion about how to implement them or (c) have someone already working on them.
I also can't see any other pull requests which look in a state of completion, to be included in the 'last week review'.
So this week's proposed list is simply last week's, minus the one bug which was fixed.
Here it is. If you know of any other issues you'd like to included, or of any pull requests you'd like included in last week's review, please give the issue number here. And if you have any other ideas for me.
Last week's review:
- David Thompson had a pull request merged to background mailing when sending invitations.
Thanks to David, and the other devs who have been working on bug fixes this week for their help.
There's an important ongoing task we would really welcome some help with:
This week's bugs are:
- Git environment sanity checks in script/server (suitable for a newcomer)
- Embedded media appears over elements (Webkit)
- Problem mixing left-right and right-left text directions
- Long tags in 'followed tags' list overlap (suitable for a newcomer)
goob Sat 6 Jul 2013 6:15PM
ps: that includes any commits you want to include in the week's review.
goob Sun 7 Jul 2013 7:57PM
Is everyone OK with the draft post below?
Sean Tilley Mon 8 Jul 2013 5:51PM
These look good. The "Embedded Media appears over elements" is a bit tricky, though. We tried to squash that one a long time ago, but to no avail.
This link may provide useful: https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference
goob Mon 8 Jul 2013 6:33PM
Thanks, Sean. Too late for this week as I've already posted, but I won't include it next week if it hasn't been picked up.
Steffen van Bergerem Tue 9 Jul 2013 12:07AM
Yaayy, that post didn't show up on pod.geraspora.de: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/f278309aabb991d2
Flaburgan Tue 9 Jul 2013 8:17AM
Same for me, I do not see the post from diaspora-fr.org...
Joindiaspora is overcapacity!
Flaburgan Mon 15 Jul 2013 8:33AM
Here is a bug I really want to see fixed but I don't know if it's suitable for newcomers.
goob Mon 22 Jul 2013 11:20AM
Hi chaps,
Apologies - I've taken my eye off the ball re this task. Had computer failure last week and health has meant I've not had energy to do anything this week.
If someone wants to suggest a few bugs I'll post them via the DHQ account asap, but today I don't have the energy to search for likely bugs. Apologies, and I'll try to get back in the swing for next week.
Flaburgan Mon 22 Jul 2013 11:55AM
@goob we have a lot of issues with someone "affected" (saying he/she will work on it) in the newcomer tasks, I think it's okay to not do a bugmash this week ;)
goob Mon 22 Jul 2013 2:40PM
OK, thanks.
Jonne Haß Mon 22 Jul 2013 3:19PM
Actually, who says the bugmash monday has to be on every monday? I'd be more than okay with something like every first monday in a month or something similar.
goob Mon 22 Jul 2013 4:37PM
That sounds like a good idea. We can always do extra ones if there are lots of bugs needing fixing at any time.
goob Sun 4 Aug 2013 10:33AM
It's the first Monday in the month tomorrow, so I've been looking at bugs.
I'm finding it difficult to locate bugs which are likely to be simple enough to include in this list and which are definitely not claimed - there are a lot which have either someone saying 'I'll work on this' and then nothing more, or a pull request at the end of the discussion and then nothing more. So it's difficult to tell the status of a lot of these.
I've found two and added them to the outstanding items from the last bugmash list.
I'm also finding it difficult to make my way through the closed pull requests in order to do the 'review since last time', not knowing Github as well as I might. There are pages and pages of pull requests since the last bugmash post. If someone can help me navigate them to produce a review of work done in the past month, that would be a great help. I'm using this page, but if there is another part of Github I can use more effectively, please direct me to it.
Here's the draft list for this time. The first two are new to the list; the final three are from last time. I've also included 'adopt a pull request'. Again, if any of these are better not included, let me know; likewise, if there are any other bugs you feel should be included, let me know.
Thanks in advance.
There is a number of pull requests which have never been finished, so if you'd like to help tidy these up and get them ready to be merged, please adopt a pull request
There's an important ongoing task we would really welcome some help with:
This week's bugs are:
- Improve stream render time (suitable for a newcomer)
- Comments appear out of order
- Git environment sanity checks in script/server (suitable for a newcomer)
- Embedded media appears over elements (Webkit)
- Problem mixing left-right and right-left text directions
Jonne Haß Sun 4 Aug 2013 3:52PM
Thank you for your work. Did you consider checking the changelog as a resource for stuff that was done?
goob Sun 4 Aug 2013 5:29PM
I'm not sure how to! If you can instruct me how to do that, I'll definitely consider it.
I guess I could look at https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/commits/develop for commits. That's useful, I hadn't thought of that before.
My understanding is that a changelog only records merged changes, and the review has also considered open as well as merged pull requests. I guess this is nice as it enables people who are not core contributors to be mentioned.
If you could give me a link to the changelog, that would be a great help.
goob Sun 4 Aug 2013 6:13PM
Here's the list. It's a long one! Have I missed out anything important?
I think I'd better do this as a separate post, otherwise it's going to dominate the bugmash post.
Last week's review:
- Tamás Fábián committed a big piece of work which adds support for OpenGraph embedding to our support for oembed.
- J Fleming helped with the port to strong parameters and fixed a problem affecting log-out.
- Andrew Smith created a feature which enables cross-posting to WordPress blogs.
- Meitar Moscovitz fixed a problem when posts made to Tumblr are deleted from Diaspora.
- L3MNcakes fixed a problem where a user who stops sharing with you is removed from your aspects.
- Carolina and Julia completed the migration from ActivityStreams::Photo to StatusMessage and also made flash messages appear for longer.
- Steffen van Bergerem fixed a problem in some browsers when multiple photos were viewed in the lightbox view.
- Sri Vishnu Totakura had a pull request merged so that clicking anywhere outside the publisher closes the publisher window.
- Flaburgan had a pull request merged to improve the style of participants in private conversations.
Huge thanks to all these people for their work, as well as to everyone else who has been working on things to improve Diaspora over the past month.
Jonne Haß Sun 4 Aug 2013 7:06PM
Well with changelog I meant the changelog: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/blob/develop/Changelog.md and maybe also the commit history for it: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/commits/develop/Changelog.md
But you're right, that only includes merged pull requests.
goob Sun 4 Aug 2013 9:13PM
Thanks a lot, that's really helpful. I knew you meant the changelog - I just didn't know how to find it!
I've gleaned a few more pull requests from that, and will keep a link to it for future reference.
goob Wed 7 Aug 2013 2:08PM
Thanks @flaburgan , that's really useful.
goob Sun 1 Sep 2013 4:05PM
The beginning of the month has crept up on me, so this is a bit last-minute.
I've created two draft posts: a month in review, with acknowledgement of all the work done, and a list of current bugs to tackle.
Would be grateful if you'd check if there's anyone I've left out of the review list who should be included (and for what work), and also if the bugs I've listed are suitable for inclusion.
Many thanks as always.
August development review
As you probably know, a new major release, diaspora*, arrived last week. There was a lot of activity in the run-up to that release, with a large number of bug fixes, performance improvements and features being committed to the code base.
Our code heroes for August are:
- Roger Braun took on the long-awaited redesign of the single-post view for his first pull request. This was a fantastic piece of collaboration with several other developers.
- Srihari Sriraman has joined our team this month and already provided a number of design fixes.
- Movilla has continued to provide a number of fixes for mobile users.
- Steffen van Bergerem created a new help section for each pod, and a redesign of the sidebar on profile pages.
- Flaburgan has also provided a number of design fixes.
- juliaguar added a link to a user's photos on their profile page.
- Sakshi Jain has been working on adding an ignore icon to the profile side-bar.
- Jonne Haß has been busy updating and testing the architecture on which diaspora* runs, as well as helping other developers.
Huge thanks to all these people for their work, as well as to everyone else who has been working on things to improve Diaspora over the past month. Apologies if we've missed anyone off the list.
You can see more by consulting the changelog,
commits and recently closed pull requests.
Let's get BugMashing!
If you’ve got a bit of spare time and want to help improve Diaspora’s code, join in and help us mash some bugs!
There is a number of pull requests which have never been finished, so if you'd like to help tidy these up and get them ready to be merged, please adopt a pull request.
There are two important ongoing tasks we would really welcome some help with:
Both of these code refactor tasks would be suitable for someone new to the diaspora* project, so if you'd like to help, let us know.
This week's bugs are:
- There are a number of things to do to polish the new single-post view (suitable for a newcomer).
- Make help view a backbone view (suitable for a newcomer).
- Fix display of images with transparent backgrounds in lightbox (suitable for a newcomer).
- Display all photos in a post (max 8 currently).
- Prevent sharing of empty posts.
- Spinner overlaps cancel icon in search bar (webkit browsers only).
Jonne Haß Sun 1 Sep 2013 4:50PM
Great work, thanks Goob. There are some open issues on the project site, the project site being a pretty small and relatively clean Rails 4 app, all of those should be suitable for newcomers, so something nice to call out for too ;)
goob Sun 1 Sep 2013 5:56PM
Excellent idea. I'll include something about that. Thanks.
Flaburgan Mon 2 Sep 2013 8:57AM
I think it could be great to define priority between issues. Some of them are bugs we want to fix so we don't close it, but are not urgent. Others like #4416 or #3653 really concern every users and should be fixed ASAP.
So what do you think we should do? Use a new github label to be able to find urgent issue quickly? Try to summarize them on a wiki page (hard to keep up to date)?
goob Mon 2 Sep 2013 9:25AM
I didn't include either of those issues, because one relates to OpenGraph, so I thought Tamás, who created the OpenGraph function, might want to look at it, and the second has been open for ages and it's not particularly clear what is going wrong for the people who were reporting it. I have the impression it's not yet ready to be fixed, because more information is needed on what is happening.
Someone who is more in tune with development will have to decide on urgency of various issues, which is why I post my draft list here each week and ask for comment on it.
goob Sun 6 Oct 2013 10:44AM
Hi chaps, I'm afraid for health reasons I've not been able to do the prep work for a bugmash post tomorrow (first Monday of the month). If someone else would be happy to do it that would be great.
If you could get together a list of:
- Who did what in September - i.e. a list of people who have contributed to the code, and what they contributed. This can include some open pull requests as well as merged code. You could have a look at last month's review post to see what I posted last month.
- A list of five to eight bugs/things which need to be sorted out. To be suitable for inclusion in the bugmash, they should be things which are not too involved and complex, so could be solved in a fairly short period; things which no one has yet indicated an interest in working on; things which the need is fairly clear-cut and a solution not controversial (i.e. no discussion on-going about whether it should even be implemented or how best to approach it); and some of them at least should be suitable for newcomers. You can see last month's list here.
Things which are useful to consult in doing this are:
- the changelog
- the pulse page
- list of closed pull requests, although of course you could look at open ones as well
- list of commits
- open issues marked 'newcomer'
I don't think we need to rush to get this published tomorrow, but would be grateful for any help available as I'm not up to it this month.
Thanks, and apologies.
Flaburgan Tue 8 Oct 2013 7:51AM
@goob thank you for your engagement. I don't think that the bugmash has to be in a specific date, it's better, but it's not a problem to not have a bugmash post right now.
Volunteers look busy in this moment (at least, looking at the number of commits) so we can wait for a moment where we will be maybe more available.
Thank you for your work anyway, and I hope you'll be recovered soon.
goob Sun 3 Nov 2013 12:08PM
There seems to be very little activity on Github at the moment, and the bugs which appear on the front page (which now covers the past month of activity) are mostly either awaiting more information to identify the problem or contain an ongoing discussion about how to deal with them.
It looks to me therefore that there's no need for a Bugmash post for the moment. Let me know if you think there should be one, and what bugs it should include.
Flaburgan Sun 3 Nov 2013 10:52PM
@goob there is some annoying bug without an issue open I think, I have no plan for today so I will search and open the issues if they do not exist. I'll let you know here in a few hours.
goob Sun 3 Nov 2013 11:59PM
OK, look fwd to it.
Flaburgan Mon 4 Nov 2013 4:28AM
@goob here is the two new issues I just opened.
You can also link the "Adopt a pull request" issue by Jonne
Flaburgan Mon 4 Nov 2013 8:41PM
this one is also really annoying: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/4503
goob Tue 24 Dec 2013 12:02PM
I thought I’d do an end-of-year bugmash as people might have spare time over the next week and be wondering what to do with it…
Here’s the list I’ve prepared - five newcomer bugs plus a couple of older ones, that don’t seem to have been claimed (or if so, months ago and don’t seem that they are being worked on at the moment).
Let me know of any others that you’d like added. I’ll make a note that the core team will be on their holidays as well, so for people to be patient for a reply if they ask questions or make PRs….
- Atom feed error 500 (suitable for a newcomer).
- People favicon error 500 (suitable for a newcomer).
- Make styling for code tags consistent (suitable for a newcomer).
- Make 'time ago' values more accurate (suitable for a newcomer).
- Make help view a backbone view (suitable for a newcomer).
- Display all photos in a post (max 8 currently).
- Spinner overlaps cancel icon in search bar (webkit browsers only).
I'd like to post this later today, so if @flaburgan @jonnehass @florianstaudacher could let me know asap if any errors or glaring omissions in the list, that would be fantastic.
Flaburgan Tue 24 Dec 2013 12:20PM
I'm afraid I'll have the time to look at it today sorry. I'll keep you in touch.
goob Tue 24 Dec 2013 12:58PM
OK don't worry. I don't think any of the bugs in the list are contentious, so if no one has time, I'll post it in a few hours' time anyway.
Flaburgan Thu 26 Dec 2013 11:19AM
I reshared it, thank you! Arlo gn submitted a pull request to fix the webkit issue in the search bar, so it was useful to post the message :)
Flaburgan Tue 14 Jan 2014 2:28PM
We already discussed a lot on this page so I'll keep it as the "communication with diaspora HQ" page :p
So, with @goob we are working on the "I'm not technical what are the other ways to contribute?" We already have a wiki page we tried to improve, if you have any suggestion about it, feel free to share.
The idea I'm coming with is to post once per week a message like this:
I <3 diaspora*! I'd like to help but I know nothing about programmation...
Dont' worry! You can also...
[add one item of the list of the wiki page here, with the appropriate explanation]
Hm, no, I don't want to do that...
There is [other ways to contribute} (link to the wiki page)
And each wiki, the way proposed to contribute will be different.
Flaburgan Tue 14 Jan 2014 2:29PM
each week*, sorry
Flaburgan Tue 25 Feb 2014 6:42PM
@goob I saw you posted a new bugmash with diaspora HQ, that's nice. I'll try to help you select relevant issues.
goob Tue 25 Feb 2014 8:19PM
OK thanks.
Flaburgan Mon 3 Mar 2014 8:30AM
@goob monday is here!
So, an issue which is not a bug but a feature: improve the admin panel, especially now that we have spam... This could be a task for someone who wants to really involve himself in the development, it's not a quickfix.
In the current bugs, the some of the most annoying are, imho:
- Mention plugin broken in develop bug and loomio discussion
- Deleting an user account failes with a name error bug
- Clicking 'show n more comments' empties the comment textarea bug
- Photo lightbox not suitable for a lot of photos bug
- Correctly strip HTML and Markdown bug, this is a meta bug which summarize all the stripping issues we have.
- Add live response to new profile bar bug
You can precise at the end of the message "Don't forget you can easily find every suitable for newcomer or confirmed issues on github :)
goob Mon 3 Mar 2014 11:47AM
Hi Fla, I thought we'd agreed to do a bugmash every month or so, because there weren't enough people around to take part and more frequent posts were just becoming 'noise'. As I did a post only a week ago, I'd rather wait for a few weeks. If you feel that these bugs merit a post now, feel free to post them yourself - you can edit my previous post if you're concerned about the English.
Bugmash posts don't even have to be posted on Mondays - that's just tradition, but I've removed 'Monday' from the post...
goob Fri 2 May 2014 4:53PM
If anyone wants to put together a post with bugmash suggestions and a development review post, please do, and I'll post it. I'm not going to be able to put together the posts at the moment, however.
Steffen van Bergerem · Sun 16 Jun 2013 9:55PM
Hmm you're right. The commits from Movilla would solve the issue but there was no status update on that PR for 2 months.