Mon 22 Feb 2021 9:40PM

SPC Discretionary Fund Allocation

JS Jeremy Simon Public Seen by 110

Over the years, the EnableFund and the Loomio voting process have funded some worthy initiatives. However, for small projects or expenses, the process -- launching a discussion, submitting a proposal, running a poll -- is too burdensome.

The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) recommends it be given the authority to allocate limited funds from the EnableFund up to a specified amount, to cover expenses that may not warrant a full proposal and voting process. For example:

  • Reimbursement of web hosting costs and other infrastructure-related expenses

  • Addressing needs or requests from chapters or volunteers that involve less than $1,000 in funding

  • Paying selected contractors for work that supports the community (i.e. the Communications Coordinator role)

Participation in our online SPC meetings is open to anyone in the community. Typically 1 to 3 people join the 4 "regulars":  Jeremy Simon, Jon Schull, Bob Rieger, and Ben Rubin. Notes and videos of the meetings are published to the hub for community review and oversight.

We propose that each week, SPC participants would review and discuss any funding needs or requests and would vote on whether or not to fund them. If all SPC participants agree to support a request, it is approved. If anyone strongly objects, there will be further discussion and/or changes to the proposed funding until a consensus is achieved.

The following limitations and guidelines would be observed:

  • Up to one thousand dollars ($1000 USD) per individual discretionary award

  • Up to 30% of the average available funds allocated annually (can be updated if new money comes in)

  • The program would start upon approval of this proposal, with the discretionary limit for 2021 based upon 30% of the current balance of the e-NABLE Fund. Moving forward, the discretionary limit would be determined at the start of each calendar year and updated as needed when new funds are received.

Nothing would change with the existing mini-grant process. Funds would still remain available to support initiatives approved through community voting. This would just provide a more expedient way of funding smaller expenses and critical infrastructure costs.


Jon Schull Tue 23 Feb 2021 10:31PM

I'm Jon Schull, and I approve this message ;-)


Bob Rieger Wed 24 Feb 2021 3:28PM

I completely support this proposal!


Jeremy Simon Fri 26 Feb 2021 4:04PM

Would love to hear from others... Anyone care to comment?


Michelle Massie Sat 27 Feb 2021 1:11AM

This is an excellent idea!


Ken Bice Sat 27 Feb 2021 2:29PM

We don’t want to handcuff our advisors. Some discretionary funds are necessary, We within my makerspace have a limit of spending without oversight from the board.

Do we intend to set a limit for this discretionary fund?


Adam Armfield Mon 1 Mar 2021 4:50PM

Seems like a valid way to manage funds. We do as Ken says above and have amounts set for smaller items and a vote required for larger amounts.


Ken Bice Thu 4 Mar 2021 5:22PM

I’m not aware of what the current funds under management are (magnitude wise), and what would be reasonable for the discretionary fund. True, I could look into the SPC recordings/minutes, but I’m inherently lazy.

I would think a good starting point would be a projection by the advisors of what the discretionary fund would need to be (per month/quarter/year, you choose) to cover fixed costs and volunteers dedicated to high hour commitments, throw in an estimate for covering chapter/volunteer requests for small funding, and publish it here. If we have to add more high hour commitments for other volunteers, it either comes out of the current discretionary allocation for that time period, or a request to bump the discretionary budgety goes to a full Loomio vote.

I definitely think this discretionary fund is needed, and over time the amount will fluctuate but likely quiesce to a stable budget.


Ben Thu 4 Mar 2021 6:44PM

There are lots of items that come up regularly to continue infrastructure, I agree with @Ken Bice and @Adam Armfield - a limited amount of funds, and regular reporting. Things can certanly be tweaked as needed.


Poll Created Thu 11 Mar 2021 8:35PM

Let's Vote: SPC Discretionary Fund Allocation Closed Thu 25 Mar 2021 11:02PM

by Jeremy Simon Fri 26 Mar 2021 1:08AM

Thanks for voting, everyone. This proposal has been approved unanimously.

UPDATES, March 18, 2021:

After reviewing comments from the community and having further discussion, we have decided to make the following modifications to this proposal:

  • Whenever a transaction is approved through this program, that transaction will be entered into OpenCollective and tagged, such that anyone will be able to easily see any transactions we're approving

  • The limit for funding through this program will be $1,000, at least for now. This may be revisited in the future, but for now, requests for larger amounts will need to go through the existing Loomio discussion and voting process.

  • Chapters will be encouraged to utilize the Wishbone Program (details coming soon) to obtain the support they need, utilizing this SPC Discretionary Fund Allocation program only as a backup option

  • Language was clarified to remove references to "staff". e-NABLE does not have any paid staff, so if someone is paid for specific work performed, that individual would be considered a contractor.

This voting process is open until March 25, so please feel free to change your vote or offer further comments.

Over the years, the EnableFund and the Loomio voting process have funded some worthy initiatives. However, for small projects or expenses, the process -- launching a discussion, submitting a proposal, running a poll -- is too burdensome.

The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) recommends it be given the authority to allocate limited funds from the EnableFund up to a specified amount, to cover expenses that may not warrant a full proposal and voting process. For example:

  • Reimbursement of web hosting costs and other infrastructure-related expenses

  • Addressing needs or requests from chapters or volunteers that involve less than $1,000 in funding

  • Paying selected contractors for work that supports the community (i.e. the Communications Coordinator role)

Participation in our online SPC meetings is open to anyone in the community. Typically 1 to 3 people join the 4 "regulars":  Jeremy Simon, Jon Schull, Bob Rieger, and Ben Rubin. Notes and videos of the meetings are published to the hub for community review and oversight.

We propose that each week, SPC participants would review and discuss any funding needs or requests and would vote on whether or not to fund them. If all SPC participants agree to support a request, it is approved. If anyone strongly objects, there will be further discussion and/or changes to the proposed funding until a consensus is achieved.

The following limitations and guidelines would be observed:

  • Up to one thousand dollars ($1000 USD) per individual discretionary award

  • Up to 30% of the average available funds allocated annually (can be updated if new money comes in)

  • The program would start upon approval of this proposal, with the discretionary limit for 2021 based upon 30% of the current balance of the e-NABLE Fund. Moving forward, the discretionary limit would be determined at the start of each calendar year and updated as needed when new funds are received.

Nothing would change with the existing mini-grant process. Funds would still remain available to support initiatives approved through community voting. This would just provide a more expedient way of funding smaller expenses and critical infrastructure costs.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

22 of 167 people have participated (13%)


Skip Meetze
Thu 11 Mar 2021 8:36PM

I believe the SPC will be fair minded and appropriately responsive to criticism.

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